The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Has a Special Agent at Washington, Who makes personal application for bin at the Dcpartments, DISCHARGED OFFICERS Will please take notice that their ply accounts are correctly made up. Their certificates of debtedness are prompt from tho several at Washingtou City by applying at this office. Mr. Tallmadge has receutly returned from Washington, where re was provided with al! the instructions, blarks, ani madearrangemeuts by which basin ss entrusted to his care will be speedily adjusted. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS who no Discharge Roll: can ob: ain THEIRTAY by placing their chins in this office.

Also A PENSION IF DISABLED. Veterans their Local Bountv AND OF WAR THREE MONTHS EXTRA PAY This Agency also publishes a book for every Officer and Soldier; How to obtain payment of their which is sent free to any that apply for it. REFERENCE Weber Salsbury, vicveland. in8-2tuw 11 GROCERIES AND COMMISSION. GARRETSON.

W. A. FISHER H. GARRETSIN WHOLESALE GROCERS, Commission Forwarding Merch'ts. AGENTS FOR LAKE SUPERIOR STEAMBOATS P'ROPELLERS ALSO, AGENTS FOR Forsyth's Scales Trucks, 145 Water and 46 43 Union apr27-tf CLEVELAND.

O. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1865. 1865 OTIS BROWNELL, Produce Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN Salt, Plaster and Water Lime. PROFRIETOR8 OF GRAIN ELEVATOR WAREHOUSE, At the Junction of the C.

C. C. and B. I. Hullroad-, Cleveland, bio.


Produce received from ail Railrouds and Canals for 3ule shirment. Er Liberal cash advances made on consign ments. ap27-y TO THE LADIES. TRIUMPH OF ART. Wig Making and Ladies' Hair Dres ing Wm.

Day, 46 Public Sauare, Has all the latest inventions in Wig Work. SEE TAR ILLUSION Its to a charm. NATURAL RINGLETS.Just received (direct) a large quantity of this beautiful bair. Ladies please ll, examine and sce for yoursclves. SWITCHES AND BRAINS-A large and selected stock always on hand.

WATERFALLS, BUTTERFLY BOWS, EU. GENE BOWS, ud FRENCH HEAD DRESSES. made by the ad: ertiser, equal to those imported. own Braids ma'e into acy of The above Head Dresses withent injury to switch. 'DIES' MAUL 01 CURLING HAIR CUTTING, done in the latest and most prevailing suyles.

I IR DYEING. in ular attention rail to bis branch of business. The of Dye used. HOT AND COLD BASIS a ways ready. 11:0 be bathing apartments in the city.

jun7-y A MEDICINE! DR CROOK EXTRAC AND ENRICH. DR CROOKS VEGETABLE PURE BLOOD HAPPINESS WEALTH DR. CROOK'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT Is the preparation of a regular physician, and is itself offered the to the public as an article which has proved BEST VEGETABLE ALTERITIVE AND TONIC known. It is far superior to any preparation of Sarsaparilla, and where its merits are known, those who have suffered long from painful and obstinate diseases, no longer hesitate what BLOOD PURIFYING from AGENT a to use, to change the actions of their system diseased to healthy one. It diseases: is the best remedy known for the following Cancers, Scrofula and Scrofulous Tumors, sumption in its tirst stages, Bleeding at the Lungs, Bronchitis, Folicular Disease of the Throat, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Scald Head, and all Diseases of the Skin, l'Icers, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Jaundice, Diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, Dyspepsia, Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Debility, Chronic Rheumatism, Ozaena, Chronic Discuses of the Eyes, as Granulated Lids, Vascular Cornea, Amaurosis, General Scrofulous Debility, Diseases of the Eyes of Children, Weakness, Imbecility, Painful Menstruation, and all diseases arising from AN IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD.

I SEE SMALL CIRCULARS AT DRUGGISTS'. Price, $1.25 per bottle. DR. OLIVER (ROOK Prop's. -Sold by H.

Olin Co, and G. W. Clarke, Uleveland. Olio. BENTON, DUNHAM TO Who' esale Agents.

PHIS DR. CROOK'S 'EGETABLE No change of diet Can not injure. Cures Cures Never Agreeable known speedily, effectually, to the to fail. tiste, I No cauterization. SEND FOR CIRCULAR NO IMPOSITION.

Ta know the rirtues of our and are prompted to place it before he pullio a3 duty we owe the aflicted, to them and their neration from the ri by Syphilia (lux), katiatled the of the medicine will soon prove its value. We make no illy boast. for value the life and bealth of a human beir highly to attempt auy imposition what and we speak the truth when we may it A result of Scientific Insourery aud long novarch, and only after it had been used. wil. unfailing succeas, for years, in the practio of the didcoverot.

(who is regular physian of large practice.) was he prevailed va Tur at to plar, l'oud. Pulaskiville, Patuskala. Plymoth, l'helps, Rootstown, River Sticks, Ruggles, Ravenua, Richfield, Roscoc. Rapid's, Rowes, Resnerville, Russell, Rawsonville, Rush Run, Howe, Kochester Depot, Riga, Reprock. Richland, Rockport.

Royalton, Rural Dale, Republic, Randolph, Richwood. Rapids, Reinson's Corners, Raymond, Rushylvania, Reedstown. Ripleyville, Richmond Centre, Regoer'a Mills, Samsonvijle, Strongsville, St. Clair, Stovertown, Sharon Centre, Shettield Lake, Summerton, Summit, Ridge, Smithville, Spencer, South Kirtland, Steuben, Shawky, Shalersville, Sandusky, Shelby, Saybrook, Stryker, St. Paris, Solon, Stouy Ridge.

Sunbury. Suffield. Sylvania. Sulphur Springs, Streetsboro, Somerton. Savancaly, Shanesville, Southington, Sciotoville, Shanksville, Smithteld Station, South Olive, Sturgis, South Charleston, Smithtield, Trumbull, Twicsburgh, Talmadge, Toledo, Thompson, Uniopolis, Utica, Underwood, Upper Saodusky, Van Luren, Vaughaville, Vans Valley, Vienna, Vermillion, West Buffalo, Weymouth, Wausceo, White House, Wadsworth, Willoughby, West Unity, Western Starr, Warrensville, Waterville, Wooster, Wickliffe, View, Wellington, Welshtield, West Mill Grove, West Salem, Windsor, Weston, Whetstone, Windham Station, Woodville, Woodco*ck, Greenville, Williams Centre, White Sulpher, West Fairlee, Wilson Corners, Westminister, Windham Centre, Whittlesey, Winesburgh, Willow Dale, West Liberty, Watkias, Wellsville, West West Manchester, Warren, Williamsport, Youngstown, 1 ILLINOIS.

Albany, Atchinson, Andulasia, Buck hart. Bath, Cambridge, Bulkley, Cerro Gordo, Cherry Valley, Batavia, Cuba, Caledonia Station, Deer Creek, De Witt, Delevan, East law Paw, Entorprise, Ellison, Elmore, Edward's Station, Carrollton. Fairmount, Flora, Homer, Gennessee Grove, Galloway, Alton, lazlett, Henderson, luntsviile, Industry, Mt, Vernon. Norwalk, Knoxville, Morris, New louse, Keithsburgh, Murpheysborough, Nauvoo, LeRoy, Bit. Sterling, Newcomb, Lena, Oakland, Monmouth, Mcconnell's Grovel Ottawa, Mt.

Auburn, l'ayton, Milo, North Prairie, Prairie Point, Pontiac, Indianola. Mason City, Eldora, Leora, Macomb, Lacon, Maple Mills, Elwood, Lapall, Magnolia, Essex, Livingston, Maegstown, Galesburgh, Mechanicksburgh, Mt. Palatine, Galena, Margaretta. Neponsit, Hopedale, Minonk, P'ekin, Hum River, Babco*ck's Grove, Tanner, Pilot Grove, Centralia. Tiskilwa, Polo, Dwight.

Watson, Quincy, Panville, Wenona, Rolling Prairie Sodorus, Wataga, Kattlesnake, Salem, Waynesville, Rosetield, Sunbeam, Wilmington, Sodoms, Sandwich, West Jersey, St- Augustine, Shokokon, West Barre, Sterling, Tolona, Ancona, Sheield, Taylorsville, Aroma, Sunbury, DeSoto, Algonquin, Sylvan Dale Jerseyville, Augusta, Serena, Odell, Aderline, Spencerville Spring Lake, Bath, Grayville, Harrisburg, INDIANA. Auburn, Delphi, Goshen, Albion, Decatur, Gollandett, Angola, Dekalb, Highland Station, Bristol, Deertield, Jarvis, Bluffton: Elkhart, Jordan, Brownsville. Kendallville, Bluff Breek, Forrestville. Grayville. Coruana, Fairfield Centre, Centreville, Knox, Milford, Oxford, Lafayette, Monticello, Orland, Lyun Grove, Martinsville, Edenburgh, Leo Millville, Fort Wayne, Lisbon, North Manchester, lebron, Lima, New Gorydon, Hausertown, New Pittsburgh, Jasonville, Mouroeville, Nimrod, Limberlast, Moutpelier, Richmond, New Washington.

Medora, Rossellee, Peru, Mulberry, South Milford, Fox, Newton, Saturn, Indianopolis. l'erry: Trafalga, Iva, Ruffsburgh, Turkey creek, Frankfort, Root, Winteld, Polut Commerce, Reed's Mills, Woolcottsville, Pima Williams, South English, Wawaka, Arcola, State Lice, West Lebanon, Greenword Silverville, Waterloo, Bowling Green, Taylor's Corners, Avilla, Covington, Union City, Anderson. South Bend, Whitestowa, Aubeenaube, Golumbia city. MICHIGAN. Adrian, Gomstock.

Batavia, Augusta, Gass, Brownson's I'rairle Albion, Charlton, Breedsville, Adamsville, Cecelia, Bruin Springs, Allegan, Disco, Charlotte, Addison, Elsie, Gedar Springs. Burtchville, lawn River, Hopkins, Buchanan, Goodrich, Battle Greek, Jackson, Medina, North Irving, Jones' Creek, Middletield, Newago, Kalamo, Moreucie, Mackinaw, Letington, Martin, Now Buffalo, Laphawsville, Lawrence, Olivet, Pent Water, Mesherville, Pere Marqvette, Park, Marquette, South Maitou. Dexter, Middleville, South Sunneld, Forest Buy, North Lagle, St. Gharles, Fentonville, North Shade, St. Johns, lludson, Owuka.

Summered, Kalamazoo, Port carinac, Lincoln, Lawrence, Proctor, Litchueld, Swan Creek, Ovid Gentre, Wayland, Troy, Sanford, Watervleit, Tabor, Sturges, Ypsilanti, Watrousville, Traverse City, Athens, Weesaw, Union City, Ann Arbor. Hanco*ck, Utica. brightont Berrien Springs, Union, Suginaw, Detroit, West Windsor, Burr Oak, Bellview, Caledonia, Medina, Buck creek, Camden, Millersburg Bay City, St: RiVers, 10WA. Agency city, West Irving, LucerLe, Adel. Washington, Lisbon, Albia, Wakewan, Prairieville, Brush creek, West Union, Pleasant Lake, Boonsboro, Wilton, Pleasant Vale, Craton, Wassonville, Ripley, Cairo, West Liberty, Kippey, cl*ttou, White Pigeol, Richmond, Cautou, Burges, Spring Valley, Chariton, Breckinridge, epragueville, Cuba, Corydon, Sumner, Center l'oint, Maguoketa, Sigourney, Des Moines, Mt.

Algor, Spricghill, Franklin Centre, Millersburgh, Sulon, Gordon Grove, Marion, Sweetland Centre, Gosport, Milton. Urbanna, Genoa, Monmouth, Tipton, Garibaldi, McGregor, Talabama, High Point. Montezuma, Talleyrand, Highland Grove, Marengo, Taylorsville, Hopeland, Nevada, Venity, Lewisburgh, Nugent's Grove, Van Buren, La Porte City, Ottumwa, Vintos. Lovolla, Otawa, Volney, Ottawa, Shellsburgb, Locust Lane, Daggett, Silver Street, Lagrange, Dewitt. Scioto, La Porte, Decatur, St.

Johns, t. Eveland Grove, Unity, Marietta, Gwinnville, Vernon, Postville, Howard, Wiscotta, Reid, Indianola, Webster, Lockridge, Keokuk, Dubuque, New Oregon. WISCONSIN. Attica, Janesville, Fancy Creek, Akin, Jamestown, Fort Atchson, Argyle. Soyder's Grove, Lodi, Is Arcadia, Eweltyer's Grove, Jonesville, Burns, Waterville, Bear Grove, West Salem, Beaver Dam, Waterloo, Neshonoc, i Beloit, estville, l'equot, Cascade, Pardeeville, Charlotte, larrisville, Richland Centre.

Dayton, Mayville, Raciue, Durinville, Oxford, Springfield, Eau Galle, Milwaukee, Sextonville, Fox Lake, Madison, Spring Prairie, Grove, New Centreville, Fulton, Hurricane Grove. Elk lorn, Kingham, MINNESOTA. Cleveland, Austen, Mazzeppa, High Forrest, Carimonea, Newport. Mauterville, Judson, St. Authony, Rochester, Lesaer City, MI SOURI.

Canton, Kansas City, Sappington, Chillicothe, Maryville, St. Louis, Crittenden, New Franklin, St. Joseph, Hamilton, Pleasant Gap, Warrensburgh, KENTUCKY. Louisville, Lancaster, Newport, Bitter Water, Mumfordsville, Princeton. Shelterille, PENNSYLVANIA.

Jersey Store, Prospect llaytield Creek Penu Line Maunch Chuak Espyville. Randolph Rockdale Fairview Sybertsville Riseville Johnstown Gocerous mills Royaltou Jackson Columbus Sharon New Hamburgh Evausburgh Cent, Road Station Sackertown Wrightsville Erie Sandusky West Middlesex Belle Vernon Spartansburgh West Springtield Cussewago Staystown Adamsville Dempseytown Steuben Lik Orcek Hermitage Tumersville Lundy's Lane Franklin Titusville Meadville Butler Lancaster Girard NEW YORK. Bucktooth Sherman Largefield Caldin Union College South Lima Little Valley Adison Slatevile New York City Arkport Westfalls Newfild Babylon South Kortright Bennington CentreSearsburgh South Worcester Fairview Volney Transit Bridge Gerry West ilenrietta Worcester Hamilton Alma Panama Liberty Bristol Sandusky Delone Rochester Butlalo North Bristol Byong Pugley's Depot Fairport Warsaw Preston Syracuse Bergin Bushford MAINE. Mills C'alis NEW HAMPSHIRE. Auburn, East Nashau Northwood New Hampton VERMONT.

Thetford Barre Shaftsbury Chelsea "DELAWARE. Wilmington RHODE ISLAND. l'rovidence MASSACHUSETTS. Boston Milford Marble Head Westport Roxbury South Grotton CONNECTICUT. Groton Back Oneco Staford New Lyme Haven East South Fairfield Glastenbury Ry bertsville Norwich Hartford KANSAS.

('ouncil Grove Leavenworth Americus Emporia Clinton Fort Scott CALIFORNIA. Francisco Bear Valley Healdsburgh, Eggleston Oakland Sonora DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washicgton NEBRASKA TERRITORY. Nebraska City Tekama Omaha City CHICAGO ARRH REMEDY Will cure CATARRH; Will cure COLD IN THE HEAD; Will cure an OFFENSIVE BREATH; Will cure PAIN IN THE HIBAD; Will cure ULCERATION in the NOSE Will restore the SENSE of HEARING; Will restore the SENSE of SMELL; Will restore the SENSE of BIGIIT; Will restore the SENSE of TASTE; WILL RESTORE THE VOICE; When Caused by Catarrh. EX LIQUID Catarrh Snuff an Injury, As is now admitted by all intormed, causing irritation and infammation of the mucous moi brant, while the Liquid Catarrh Remedy Gently and gradually removes all unnatual incrusta.

tiors and deposits, restoring the diseased membrane to its normal condition. A Single Bottle will Last a Month--To be Used Three Times a Day. CURE WARRANTED IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED. ET CALL FOR ALL A SYMPTOMS. CIRCULAR ED DESCRIBING DER, FI, REELYE de SOLE PROPRIETORS, CHICAGO, ILL.

CO Laboratory at Freeport, Illinois. GENERAL AGENTS: STRONG 0. JOHN D. 0. WBI.

Detroit, Mich AND FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ap25-1y CHEROKEE PILLS TIVHEI FEMALE SUGAR-COATED REGULATOR of the Mouthly sariod They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by renovt arity They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Menstration. uty cure They cure Nervons and Spinal Allections, pains in the back an. lower part of the body, leavi ness, Fatigue on slight exertions, Pa pitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spir ts, Lysterics. Sick He dache, Giddiness, In a word, by removing the IRREGULARITY they remove the cause, and with it ALL the flects that spring from it. Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contaiu nothing deleterious toam constitution, bowever delecute, their heing substitute strength for u.

cakress, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. Thry way be safely cd at any ago, and at any period, cacept when by interest or advice will be promptly, freely and cily answered. Pull di. accompany each box, rice g1 par box, VI 814 1. 1 3.5, 12 Sent by mail, free of po on re: eipt of price.

Pamphlets scut by mail free o' by DR. W. V. MERWIN 63 Taberly New York, Froprieters. HEALTH For the REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS and the CERTAIN AND Insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence DR.

WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR! nothing injurious to the moat delicate. "As the Pho. ix rises from the ashes of its fire animated with new so docs this Elixir ejuthe systell and overcome disease. The Rejurcuaung isir is the result of madern discoveries in. the vegitable kingdom being all onturely al: new and method of cure, irrespec uve of the old and worn ont his method has been tested by the most tuneut bounced to cal Leu of the day, and by thew pro be one of the greatest medical discoveries vi tbe age.

A One bottle will cure gen: ral debility. few does cures Hysterics in: females. bottle cures a alpitation of the Heart. From on. to turce bottles restores the so and gor of south.

A few restores the appetite. bottics cures the worst case of Impoteucy. few doses cures the low spirited. One Dottie mucuta! power. A lew coCo brings the 10-e to the cheek.

robust EX This medicine rostore: to manly v. gor and the poor debi.itat.d, woru-down and I listiess, v. ervated youth, the over -taked the man vi Disincs. the victim of nervous depress.on, FROM from general debility, 08 WELLNESS OF A SINGLE ORGAN, wili all fi. iu ana permanent relict by the use 01 Lu.S or Essence of Litc.

and toro Price, urded $3 vy per bottle, or three bottles for 15, any address. Express on receipt vi mouty, to CHEROKEE FILLS and REJUVENATING ELIXIR are sold by all enterprising Drugg.sts la toe civilized world. unprincipied dealers, do never, try to Worthless compounds in place of those; those which they can purchase at a cheap price aud make DiOney ty telling than they cau do OL they. you value your healtb, aye, the health of your future oil pring, do not be deceived by such unprincipied Druggists; ass these medlciues and take others, li tLe Druggists will not buy them for you, inclose the money in a letter and we will send them to you by Express, -ecurely scaled and packed, free from ob Pervation. Ladies or Gentlemen can address us in perfect con.

fideuce, Atiti: lully and painly their and sywpious, as we treat all diseases of a chronic turo in male or female. Patients n.ed Lesitate because of thelr inability to visit us, as we have ircat ed patients ortions of the civil iz-0 globe by correspondent o. I At the ollice, inclose We proprietors, send rym-toms County, postage our or 32 setters State stamp page their for us and for Faup. will Pawphiet complaints, reply. lets please of free or and.

writer to any advice write plain, plainly to address. Post- aud the au DR. W. R. NERWIN No.

63 Liberty street, New York. BET For STHONG sale in Cleveland ARMSTRONG, by and cHURCHILL all brug- gists. 41:11 Ohio. AY ARMSTRON, Agents, Cleve SEWING MACHINE OIL. Ketined Porpoiso 01: FOR LUBRICATING dewing Machines, Clocks, Watches, Poin dies.

and ali Fine Machinerv. OREGON. Fort Yam Dill Salem COLORADO TERRITORY. Denver City Lauret NEVADA. Arson Ulty feb11, NOTICE -I pay any debts unless contracted THAT by my June own person or by written order from this date.

8th, 1866, ISIDOR KAUFMAN. Brownsville WASHINGTON the public. in well 'I'Le value understood of PORPOISE OiL as a lubricator is l'euns Grove MARYLAND. failed Hence in its we place treatment. our modicin within the ing we and a little this oil tor MACHINES, Beaver Grand Mound Olympa vain for a aperitio for diseases utterly will use no other when this is to be In prepar TERRITORY.

of other learned aLl ah. hat soueht tho in by Clock and Wat Makers; they Fillmore City Great Salt Lake City Being free from Gluten, it requires declaration: dil will I': Cumberland UTAH Baltimore TERRITORY. healing power from a life of utering and Lain which its we sum distinctive up in the properties for 1n0 machinery, reach of the to acre theta by Its give it were wearing body, and still ro following collect WEST VIRGINIA. dive more power, keep the Jonruals Cool, and the Mice, Charleston Romney Dr. Crook's S-ph-1-s Remedy is sold by all Druggists, Mactunery Bright, will wear longer, give lesS an which Wheeling New Creek Beelers Station at $3.00 per bottle.

noyunce- to the Operator, and reflects more credit CANADA. upon the Machine than any Oil now in use. and Hamilton Ottawa Armstrong FULL DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANY EVERY BOTTLE. For sale bolesale and retail ny BENSON DR. OLIVER CROOK Proprietors, per Sold by H.

and G. W. Cleveland, Ohio. ma27-6m1tawS BENTON, DUNHAM Cleveland, HE HE DAILY PLAIN DEALER. A THRILLING ROMANCE.

Where will to found a more touching aud truthful picture of life than is depictod in the following short romance? It contains but two chapters, but each ds full of as an char is full of moat: Chapter 1., She stood, beside the altar, with a wreath of orange buds upon her head -upon her back' the richest kied of dud; Her lover stood beside her with white kid gloves, and clothe the last was twenty-onc years'old, first was The parsop's job was over, every one bad kissed the bride, and wished the young folks happi. and danced, and laughed, and cried. The last kiss had been' given and the last word had been said, the bappy pair had simmered down and' sought the bridal bed. Chapter 2. She stood beside the wash tub with her red hands in the suds, and at her slip shod feet was pile of dirly dude.

Her husband stood beside her--the crossest mau alive--the last twenty-nine years old, and the first twenty five. The heavy wash was over, and the clothes hung out to to dry, and Tom stuck his fluger in the dirty baby's eye. Tom had been spanked, and his supper made up on a crust of bread aud then the bride and bridegroom went both grumtling off to bed. ROBACK'S BITTERS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, BUT ROBACK'S ARE BETTER.

STOMACH BITTERS. Ten thousand bottles sold in oue mouth. The most popular Stomach Bitters in use. ROBAOK'S BITTERS, Good for all derangement of the Stomach, Billiousness, Liver Complaint, and General Debility ROBACK'S BITTERS. They possess wouderful tonic properties, giving tone to the appeti and digestive organs.

ROBACK'E BITTERS, Debilitated Ladies and sedentary persons will find in them an excellent tonic. ROBAOK'S BITTERS, wine-glass full before each meal will remove indigestion and all liver diseases. ROBACK'S BITTERS. They are better than all l'ills, Powders, and other nauscous, disagreeable compounds. ROBACK'S BITTERS.

They can be taken without regard to diet. appetiser they have no equal. ROBACK'S They, 'are prepared by an old and skillful physician, from well known vegetable remedies. ROBACK'8 BITTERS. Wherever known they have become a standard family strengthening remedy, ROBACK'S BITTERS.

Try jone bottle, and you will always use them and recommend them to others. PROBACK'S BITTTRS. DR. C. W.

ROBACK, 58, 60 62 East Third Street, myl7-dawly CINCINNATI. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. GREAT SALS OF WATCHES JEWELRY, To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, rot to be paid for until you know what you are to receive: 100 Gold Watc: (s. variors each 75 100 4o'd Hunting Case each $125 2,0 Ladies Gotd each 50 500 silver Watches $20 to 1,000 Gold Pens Gold 15 25 10,000 (old l'eus and Silver Cases. each 5 to 8 and a large assortment of Jewelry of every descrip.

tion, for Ladies' and Gents' wear, varying ir Value from $3 to $25 cach. The method of disposing of these goods at ONE DOLLAR eanb is as follows: Certificates, each articeandits value, are place tia sealed envelopes and well mixed. Uno of these envelopes will be sent by mail to auy address on receipt of 25 cents On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are going to have. and then it is at your option to send the dollar and take the article or not. chagers set may of thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any Jewelry on ou list for ONE DOLLAR, andin 20 case can they get less than One Dollar's wor as there are no blanks.

The price of Certidcates is as thirty, follows: with -One a for premi 25 cents; live for eieven for with a in goli pen for with a premium premium go'd chain for $10; onc hundred, silver watch, for $15. The distribution is conducted fairly, aud all have equal purchasing chuuce of obtaining the valuable prizes by the certificates. Wegu entire satigfaction in all cases. and Agents premiums. wanted, Send to whom we offer special terms our circular with 25 cents for one certitcate and terms.

Address my19 8mw A H. ROT TEN CO, P. O. Box 427 New Yo BY A. H.

ROWEN (Ageuts 'or the Manufacturers,) No. 36 Beekman Street, New York. 81,000,000 WORTH Greatest best pas, (15) DO letter Ever Fifteen medical pages Published! an for Circular largo two (15) 3 cent stamps. DE Proprietors JACKSON, National Dispensary, e5- at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1, 1860, cure all private discases with uncxampled rapidity, Syphilis, Im- We potency, Nocturnal Emissions, or Self-abuse, Viguarantee to cure Cleat, urual Emissions, Female Cowplaints, in short, Cures every possible form and variety of Sexular Discase. rapid, thorough and permanent.

and fees moderate Send for our Circular -fifteen large 8 in. by 11iu. letter pages, of varied, valuable and interesting matter. Also, a Circular intended for Ladies only. Many of our patient assort they have seat money to Doctors in Eastern Citics and received no return.

Then why no patronize home talent- men who know the Western climate and cau ctect splendid cares. Dr. Jackson's Female per -send tor Circular. Special written Repiles, well sealed, scut with Circular without charge. One of the cheapest, most interesting and important books every rubLahed.

810 pages, 100 engravings, The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector aud Marriage Guide, and un Explicit Key to Love and ItSAT. ISFACTORILY reveals various subjects never be fore fully explainedin any populur work in the Eug. lisb language. Price 50 cents und one 3 cent stamp, or three for 81 and three 8 cent stamps. Fully de cribed in Circular, which every young man should have, whether sick or well.

Medicines aud instructions sent promptly to any part of the couutry, Consulting Rooms of the Digpensary, No. 167 Sycamore street. P. 0. Box, No.

DR. JACKSON'8 ORIENTAL LINIMENT. Removes all coldness, and rejuvenates organs which have lain dormant for many years. It will cure any case of impotency, create and iucrease the passions for any reasonable time. Can be mailed with porfect sufety.

Price 52 por bottle. DR. JACKSON'S FRENCH PATENT MALE SAFE It is perfecity sale and never fails to give satisfac tion. It is the only cure and sufe preventative against contracting disease ever invented. Price $1 each, $4 per ball doxeu, and $7 per dozen, sent by mall.

1a4-1y JUST RECEIVED FROM Auctions and Manufacturers, 100 100 Gross Silk Trimming Cords, 100 Write Snioked Pearl earl 100 White Ivory Buttous, Dattone, 1,000 f'rogred Horn Butto 600 500 dcz. Ladi Silk and Mitts, Lisle Thread Gloves, 1,000 Walto Cotton 1,000 Gents' Socks, 50 Grenadine Vells, 50 Black Lace Volts, 500 100 Travell ny Bag3, 50 case: Palm Fans 50 gross Willow Fans, which Besides we bundreds of JOB LOTS OF GOODS, all erg and offer to Mercbnate, Yankee Notion Dcal FIGURES. Druggists AT REMARKABLY LOW CALL AND EXAMINE. M. HALLE I47 Water street.

We have just received 2,500, Lincoln Mourning Envelopes. INFANT'S LACE, CAPS. my12 A. G. RETTRERG FANS splendid FRENCH AND CIIINESE.


A CARD TO BUSINESS MEN 'The Cleveland PLAIN DEALER, under the new management, retains the old subscribers, and is daily. securing additions to its daily, tri-week and weekly editions. In order to show to business men where the PLAIN DEALER circulates we have taken the following list from our subscription book, of Post Offices where the PLAIN DEALER is regularly sent in packages of from one to fifty. The business man who desires to extend his business will find that our circulation is not entirely confined to the Western Reserve or Northern Ohio, but embraces large numbers of subscribers in PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KENTUCKY, MAINE, NEW HAMPSIIIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, DELAWARE, RHODE ISLAND, KANSAS, NEVADA, CALIFORNIA, NEBRASKA, MARYLAND, WASHINGTON TERRITORY, UTA.H, WEST VIRGINIA, OREGON, COLORADO TERRITORY, CANADA. By advertising in the PLAIN DEALER, the reaches The Professional Man, The Farmer, The Mechanic, The Laboring Man.

-OF- TWENTY-FOUR STATES! Besides getting his advertising in the hands of parties who do not take any other Cleveland paper, the DEALER being the only Democratic Daily in Northern Ohio! LOOK AT THE LIST: OHIO. A vou, Adelphi, Ashtabula, Amboy, Attica, Ashland, Austiuburgb, Akron, Allen, Augusta, Albion. Archbald, Aurora, Avilla Arcanum, Auburn, Boor aingville, Bladensburgh, Berwick, Brid Black sewater, Beckett's Store, Black Ber liuville, Swamp, Bucyrus, Burton, Bayard Station, Bloomington, Birmingham, Blackleysville, Braceville, Berlin Station, Blutiton, Brimdeld, Bellevue, Big Prairie, Barry, Bryan, Bellair. Bettsville, L'ig Plain. Bazetta.

Berlin Heights, Bi shopville, Bridge Bowling Greeu, Brandon, Black River, Black River, Brecksville. Beret Belle Point, Bristolville. Beaver, Brooklyn, Bloom tugburgh, Boardwan, Bath, Berrys, ville, Blair, Burbank, BrightonCarrollton, Clinton, Castalia, Columbus. Cuyahoga Falls, Coe Ridge, Cincinnati, Copopa Creighton, Chippeway, Clyde, Caledonia. Canal Fulton, Camden Station, Chesterville, Congress, Cuba, Crestline.

Chesterfield, Cedar Valley, Chatham Center, Chester Roads, Cranberry, Columbia Statiou, Charlestown, Carson, Cardington, Canton, Chandlersville, Caual Dover, Collamer, Canal Winchester, Cawden, Conueaut, copley, Champion, Claridon. Centreton, Chanticler, Charleston, Cushocton, Concord, cuagrin Fails, Cantield, Cornersburgh, Columbiana, Delaware. Detiance, Dunham, Deerlick, Demos, Delta, Dundee, Damascus, Dover, Dansett, Duck Creek, Deerfield Democracy, Durbin's Corners, Elkton, East Toledo, East Cleveland, Edgertop, Cast Plaintield, Euclid, East Rockport, East Liberty, East Trumbull, Elyria, East clarksdeld, East Ularidon, Eaglesville, Edinburgh, Last Townsend, Fitchville. Florida, Farmington, Flo. euce, Howler, Freedaw, Fremont, Fredericksburgh, Fowler's Fostoria, Findlay, Fogsville Station, Flat Rock, Franklin Mills, Four Corners, Guilford, Greenburgh, Glasgow, Granger, olden Coruer, Genoa.

Ghent, Gorbam, Geneva. Greentown, Green Springs, Gates Mills, Greenwich Station. Graitou, Girard. Gallipolis, Gallion, Garrettsville, Glencoe. Gambier, Gustavus, Gilead, Greensburgu loads Harpers6eld, lavanna, Holt Muotsburgh, Hebron, Hibletts.

liram, lartville, Harlew Springs, lessville, Hauna's Mills, Huntington, louse, llemerville, lait's Grove, Halliday, Hampton, Huron, liandy, Vectoll, Henrietta. llinckley, Huyesville. llawilton, Independeuce, Iberia. Iuland, Jettersou, Corers, Jeromeville, Johnsonville, Johnson, Kelley's Island, Kannonsburgh, Johnson's Island, Kirtland, Keuton, Kingsville, Le Kalida. Kelloggsville, Knoxville, loy, Likeps, Porte, Leverings, Lexington, hake Leesville, Fork, Little Lenox, Sandusky, La Luke, Grange, Lucas, Lindenville, Liverpool, Lima, Lancaster, Limaville, Lcon, Lodi, Lyons, Logan, liberty Marriatta, Corners, Lockington, Miamiville, Dit.

Metamora, Blanchard, Midditown. Mt. Martinsburgh, Vernon. Millwood, McConnsville, Monroe Centre, Massilod, Montrose, Mellore, Mogadore, Mechanicstowu, Milo, Mexico, Moutauk, Marsbal, Macedonia Middlebury, Milan, Marshallsville, Dept, Medina, Nogadine, Marion, Moutpellier, Middlebury, Mt. Middleburgh, llope, Mineral Metamora, Point, Minerva Malvera, Madisonburgh.

Mantua Montville, Station, Middletield, Mallett Creek, Maytield, Middleburg; Centre, Alt. Gilead, Mesopotamia, Munsou, North Royalton, California, Norwalk. Falls New Portage, North Nimisilla, North Lawrence, Navarre, llarrisburg, New North Eaton, Pittsburgh, Novo, Napoleon, New Newton Middletown, New Prospect, Nelsonville, New lolland, New Westtield, North Ridgeville, New North Burlington, North Nettle Lake, Camden, North No: th Beaton, Noiton Nankin, Ceutre, New North l'alls, Dover, Nelson, New New London, Washington, New New Philadelphia, Newburgh, New Baltimore, Niles, North Waterford. New North Lima, Shellield, North North Newbury, Fairfield, New North Lima, New Springheld, Olio Alexandria. Old Orville, Hickory, Ozark, Oneida Mills, Ora: geville, Ostranda, Olena, Ottokee, Oberlin.

Orwell, Olive. Ottawa, Olmsted, Outville, Put-in-Bay, Poe, man. Pioneer, Portage, Portersville, Petersburg, Prairie Depot, Port Clinton, Pierpont, Penteld, Providence, Pond Planville, Station, Parkman, Pool, Parma Plato, Palmyra! Piqual THE PLAIN DEALER. -ON- LEGAL. NOTICE.

NOTICE IS will be HEREBY made to tho GIVEN Commistoner THAT of Pen: 1003 for the of a cuplicate ol' Warrant No, 31.775, 1 ct of March 31, 11.55, Jaco', 120 acres issue Ito Mary bisco, Du willow of compaby, I'ro- CW Jere begro, pr. troops, v. war of 1812. aud duly signed to mu to; in C. ptain on or about April 1 Lu, 1305, while travelling ou the about Jun: 15, Said Warrant lost by me in the: viciu' ty of The roper caveat hag 1.030 been Aid in the diene al Laid oNce Washy Dated du 17, 1 65 jv15 UZZEL IT.

P'ROTASCO. Matilda Karvell, Court of onn en Picas, GuyabcVA. County, Obiv. Petition for Joseph Ronvell, HIE DEFENDANT, JOSEPH RANVELL, will take notic: that th: plaint IF, Ronvell on 1 15th doy of July A. D.

1805, of her petition the Clerk Olic: of the Court common Picas afo: esaio, praying for a dissolution cf ho marriage contract ing beta con said adulte. parties, and also tor bor relict: signed Noventer ry. Said cau wilbe for hearing ut the Term, 1865, 0. said court. July 18th, 1865 MATILDA RANVELL, jy18-tw by her Solicitor, K.

A. DAVIDSON. Benjamin Wannemaker, A lintif, VA. Heury Aldeman, Defendant BEFORE the DANIEL I'care of Cleveland STEPIIAN, Township, JUSOn the 11th day of June, A. D.

1805, said Jastice Ohio issu' dan order of ott c' ment, in th above action, for the sum of Twenty Dollars and Eigh'y Ceats. and said cause is for hearing August 5, 1860, at one o'clock P. M. BENJAMIN WANN MAKER Cies Tulv 21. 1 Gi.

j. 11 8w LECAL NOTICE. OF ANN -NOTICE hereby given thut the subscriter hus appointed a. dqualified as Executor on the Esta AMN BLACK, late of ounty, Ohio, decea3ed. Cleveland, Obio, July 1-t, 1865.


Ohio State Asylum for Idiots, BY OF ACT OlIO, OF passed GENERAL March BUS, 1901, the ASSEMBLY sum of COLU (.11.0, May 8, 1865. twenty-five thousand d' lira was appropriated for the purpose pu: chasing a site and ere: ting buildings for the use of this Its itu ion, and by thea tor april, 1865, an additionat sum of thousand dollars was apuropriated for Fame purpose; and by the same acts the Trustees were. thorizedto purcha-c cr by gift a tractorland suitable for a site for for said Asylum, din such locality in the State, considering healthfulness ofsituation, facility of access, cf living, and cost of land and teri la, as sucn Trustees shall And most desirable und b. st suited for the purpose of said Institution." The said Trustees are, also, by the act organizing the Justitution, passed April 17, 1857, and by joint esolution greed to ch the 11th day of May, 1801, authorized to receive and hold land, money, or buildlog materials for the benefit of said The Trastees invite attentien to the foregoing of the General Assemoly, and would be to receive any propositions which benevolent iudivi or corporate au horities may icel disposed to make fore cuations therein specified, for sa of land 'or 1 site suitable for said Institution. No; less than 30 acres will be accented as site, un CSS more can ve purchased: djoiniL Gat fair rates.

1 ropositions for donation or sale of land tor a site to be to the Trustees, cate of G. A DOREN, M.D, Superintendent of the Ohio State Asy um for Iniots, Columbus, Ohio, and made previous to the 15th day of June nexi. N. TOWNSIEND, HITCHco*ck, J. A.


COLUMBUS 1st, 1815. IN VISIONS of ACCORDANCE act of the WITH THE PROan Gencral Assembly of the State of Ohio, passed April 13, 1865, the undersigned State of 'ers will receive proposa's until the 1-t day of August next, for the purchase of the lend scrip received from the United States for the estab of an cral College, or Colleg: ha bite of Ohio. The Scrip comprises 080. 000 acres of nd No will le received for less than one huncro: and sirty acres. If more convenient, pro, sals may be made to the Aveiter and Treasurer of any County.

who ill transmit the same to the undersigned. JAS. H. GODMAN. Auditor State.

G. VOLENY DORSEY. Treasury TE M. HENRY PITH. j7 oaw3m Secret rv of State.

1865. 1865 "18 ycar established in N. Y. City," "Only info lible remedy known." "Free from Poisons "Not dangerous to th 3 Duman F. ily." 'Ruts come out of their holes to di "'Costar's" Rat Roach, Exter's Ta a pite-used a for Rats.

Mice, Roaches, Black end Red Ants, doc. "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and al-0 as a preventive for Bod-Bugs, 'Costar's' Electric Powder for Insects for Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animal "Sold by Druggists and Retailers evorywhere. I fall worthless Bottle See and that Flask, is ou each Box, before you buy. SO PRINCIPAL DEPOT, HENRY HE. COSTAIR.

182 BROADWAY, Sold by all Wholesale and Rotail Druggistain Cleveland, Olio 1865. INCREASE OF -The Guzette rats (English) will asserte have and proves by ngures thot one pai: a progeny and descendants DO less mense 651,000 in three years. Now. this imntamity ca bo kept dowu, they woul more: fcod Would sustalu hardan Sec "COSTAR's" advertisemiont in this paper. 1865.

RATS emall versus birds is a eugages in shoot terminating rats is cruel man; who Ver aids in exof a benefactor. We should like our experience correspondents to give us the beneit el something in driving out these rests. We besides dogs cats, and traps for this American, N. See advertisem*nt in this paper. 1865.

and "COSTAR'S" RAT lost EXTERMINATON simple, we have ever perfect RAT-ification ect it, attended. Every Hai drat eat it, and properly every one prepared tuat accordia: to directions, at some places distant is it possible wilt from die, generents medicine See was "COsTAR's" Lake Shore, Mich, Mirror. advertisem*nt in this paper. 1865. no lo ger, troubled with vermin need be HOUSEKEEPERS have used if it they to our u-0 Exterminator.

we would hav it. We have and it a box satisfantion: $5, they cliccted nothing; but tried poisons, the breath out of Nate, Mice, Roaches, article "Costar's" Led-Bues, quicker than we can write it It 'A and 11 demaud over the courtry. Medina, Ohio, See advertisem*nt 1865. VOICE FROM THE FAR grain and Rat, Rouch, Ex erminatorGrant County by provision are dis royed this Rat and Insect vermin than would pay for tons Wis ply et "COsTAR'S" advertisem*nt in this paper. 1865.

FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS should issue that bundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, reAnts, and are other eunually destroyed by Rats, ovisions, can be prevented by a few and doliar's vermin-all worth of of Rat, Roach, Exterminator, bought ness nsed ireely. See "'COSTAR'S" advertisem*nt in this paper. adies by BENTON DUNHAM, STRONG ARMSTRONG. G. CHURCHILL BROTHERS, W.

CLARK, Wholesale Dealers aud'. in Retail Cleveland, Agents, and by all Druggists ap25d w6m my A 3:280 A TLANTIC AND RAILWAY, GREAT WESTERN A I NE SPRING AND SUMMER ARIA 8, Takes Effect Monday; May 8th, 1865. Two ELAND Through AND Expi NEW YOKE. (daily) Got Preen WAY at 9::0 A EXPRESS arrives (Sundays at Mendville leaves Cleve. land (Dinner); Salamanca at J'.

M. st 210 P. M. New York); and New York at 1:10 M. Cars to Cleveland NIGHT at EXPRESS, 8:43 P.

Saturdays (sleeping cur leaves arrives at New Mcadville York al at 1:0 10:30 A. P.M. B.damanca al 0 attached) A. WESTWARD. Day Ex Arrives Now at York Cleveland at.

Night do. Leaves New at PM Arrives Cleveland MAIL TRAINS. Train Arrives leaving at Cleveland Franklin at (mast, at A.M. P.M Train Arrives leaving at Frauklin at Cleveland at (South). 7.45 A.M.

Train leaving 3:19 P.M Arrives at. houngstown 8:05 P. Train leaving Cleveland dal 7:15 A.M. Arrives at Youngstown A.M. Train Arrives leaving ut Youngstownat 6:43 A.M Train leaving at Cleveland Youngstown at (Nortt).

2:49 P.M, Arrives 6:2: P.M. Train leaving Mead il at 6 30 M. Arrives Arriver at at Akron .11:45 A. r. Train Arrives leaving at Asron Mcaaville at at 1:40 P.

Arrives at Salamanca 1:00 P.M. 7.40 CINCINNATI EXPRESS. Trains leave Ravenua Levittsbu ut gh'at 5:55 A. M. 4 6 Mar at 4 4 6:10 A.

M. ....11: 0. Gallon at ....11:55 A.M. Marion Urban at at 1:09) P.M. 46 4:00 P.

M. Springfeld at 4:42 P. M. at Dayton Cincinnati at at. 6:00 V'.

M. Arrive Cincinnati at 8:30 P.M. Trans leave A.M. Dayton Springfield at at 10,45 A.M. Urbana at 11:42 A.

M. at 12:50 P. Gaion at P.M. 5:1: P. Mansfield at 0:50 P.

at 9:25 P. Pa. elda at ....10:00 P.M. Arr.ue at Leavittsburgh, connect with New York Express vis 1. :50 P.M.

Ask for through Tickets Salamanca. D. MCLAREN, GeN. Sup't. I1.

F. FULLER, Gen Ticket Agent. A DE CLEVELAND OSS. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1062, On MoNDaY, Bicy 15th, 1- 6 lose Cleveland daiiz (Sundays 8:00 A. R.

Mali- -Arrives at Pit: burel: Y. Hurriaburgh 2.80 A.Mi., A. Washington 10:85 A.M., l'ail dolphin 6:56 A. New Wheeling 8:00 F. al.

Connects at Lad with tho C. C. for Abro and Mi. 1:30 AL. Pittsburg, 9:15 P.

7:30 A. 12:20 1 Washi: gtom 9:10 1. Philadelphia 12:30 P. New Yon P. M.

Wheeling 8:30 A.M. 5.40 P. RI. Hudson ard intermediate stations, Coy Falls, Arron aud Miller: burgh. connecting at Orrville with the r.

F. W. C. Railway for Canton, Massillon, Woos. and rer.

trom to New tia Allentown) without change. Fare ay low 63 by airy ot let route. Tickets De ibe Ticket Ofice, Waddell al the Douct, or at La treet Station. J. M.

Supcrintendeui. 100.2000 K. R. 1864-5 WINTER A. 1806 0 and utter Monday, (ct.

31: 0 Train: ran daily as follows, 3:10 A. RI, Chicago at trial ton, Oberlin, Nor an: and mi 1 19.43 1. Chicano 11:20 L. 6:80 0:10 Western awops ci 200 on Divinica, arrive at Toledo 7:20 P. 8.45 A.

Mi. Detroit at 10:0 P. M. 1:30 W. ME.

3. May, a all stations or Norther: Divisioa, and arrives Man 4. 10:00 P.M% at her walk, Mourn vile, Ci; dc am. 6:00 A. 31.

moat, Toirdo 2:8 6. Mi. Chicago at 1. a and Detroit at Connections are at Mi. mi Cayde ky, Dayton A at 1 with trement ds Balroad 0 with the Michigan AL tie Toledo Wacash Me Fort Wayne, Cairo, Ai.

cu, M. Louts, wet Sontawest. Drains in 02 West 9:40 A. 3:0 D. A Li 9:10 A.

M. 1. 11, Clevel Oct. 1801. ILAVELAND 0 RAM.

ROAR. 1005. WINTER ARRANGE 1c: $. VI C4 B1 al 4 Oct. 134.

20: 'Trains CLEVELAND, Lei! 8:60 A. MG. 12: M. 3 a1 8 on, 400. Vi, Ang 1.

111: US Cris P. Dunkirk 43 t. burialo 3:48 4. ME. 1 2.

si 10 36 0 6 P. 1. lid. :0.00 JA. Stop at al: at 7:55 P.

M1. 8:002. TRAIN. gal and c2 ly. at Brie 2: 12: 0..

Last 3:313 d. 03. LEAVES 3:40 A. ME. Nignt al and Paine rile and VAS Clevoland at 730 A.

M. 0:15 A. 23. Mail and Train, FINE stations 011: arrive 31 land at 5 2. 10:16 Exprese, at all wausdle, buyuro CA: rely, tor N.

k. at it P.m. 6:35 M. D. Desin, -topping nithrord, Asinabula Dud only, and arrives in at 9:22 I.

M. Diure Cara Fun One Thrown All througu vrains going westward connect al Cleveland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, ur, Eastward and trall: connect Dunkirt with the train.8 the N. X. Erie and at Guillo witb of the New York 800 Builalo NeW York City Halis, for New Yore, Albany, LOL, to Erie n. 10, with Trains on rond.

with Day Nixprese, Last 14 est, connects at dirard on the Eriv Ci 190 for Linesville, Meadylle, Jame I era. H. Oct. 3 1. el.

CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS AND CIN CINNATI RAIL D. NE 1854-5. winter Arrangement. 1864 5 and alter Oct. 31 Trains will leave Cleve and as follows: 864, A Express, stop.

ping at New London, Sheidy, restine, Galion, Gilead. Cardington, Ashley, Delaware, Lewis TRAIN- Centre and worthington. all 2:46 statiou P. Accommodation, stops at P. arriving at Columbus $:60 Cincinnati, 8:60 A.

at P. Night Wellington, express, stopping Shelby, Now London, Cresthne, Gallon, Gilead, Car. leave the Conn gion and bus, Delaware. 1', Trains M. Trains arrive at ut 3:10 A.

Cleveland 10:25 A. 9:30 N. I'. 8:0 M. CONNECTIONS.

Sandussy, Rewalk Kailroad for Mansueld, Mt. Vernon, Nowurk, Zunes ville, dc. Crestline, Fitusburgh, for Fort Wayne Chicago Rail road Purest, Upper Sandu. by, Delphos, Lima, Fort Wayne, Lapor Chi C.go, and cust for Mansdeld, Wooster, de. Line, for Bellelvotaiue, Union, Muncie, Evansville, Terre Vinceunes, Louisville, Care, Si, Louis, dc.

ware, with springield, Mt. Vernon Railroad to1 Spring Columbus, Little Railroads Miami, and columbus and Xenia Trio for Haute, Xenia, St. Du; tou, Indianapo Unio Loveland, and Cincinnat, anu with the Lowe, Morrow, nati and Mississippi at CincinSi. 3 for Louis, and Louisville, Evansville, Ca ro, River. all points 011 the OLio Columbus, Cur ville, trul Ohio Railroau Newark, EX Columbus, liqua tor Piqua, Urbana.

For ticke's to all and inform the Pit S. ugei Station, and ut the Union Tick ay: Oftice, Cleveland, 147 Vet. Superior 21 Street. Ic. S.

LINT, Superintendent. The HILOSOPHY Proprietors OF MARRIAGE.have determined, New York Museum of of the free (for the suffering regardless of expense, to suppression of quackery) four of their most bumanity interest and disqualiucations, Nervous and on Marriage and its Lectarcs Decline of Manhood, Physical ludigestion, Debility, or Depression, Imp ucy, Power; the great Social Evil, of and Energy and which result from youthful follies, Mal or ignorance of Physlology and excesses laws of enlightening invaluable and Lectures have been the means free on tie saving, receipt of Housands, and will be for SECRETARY, New York four stamps, by adMedicine, 618 Broadway, New Museum of York. decif-1s A of "more in af Herald. Sole and.

The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.