Schedule 6. Professional staff classification descriptors (2024)

S6.1 Salary structure

Professional staff positions will be classified in accordance with the ANU Officer or Senior Manager structures as set out in this Schedule. Positions will be classified at the level which most accurately reflects the work performed by the staff member as required by the University, taking into account the skills and responsibilities required to perform that work. Determination of the classification of ANU Officer positions levels 1 to SM1 will be based on the primary descriptors set out in S6.2, in conjunction with the secondary descriptors for each of the ANU classification streams described in S6.3.

The classification of Senior Manager (SM) positions will be determined by the primary descriptors set out in S6.2.
The minimum salary entitlement of professional staff, and certain other employment conditions as set out in this Agreement, will be determined by the classification of the staff member’s position.

S6.2 Primary descriptors

The descriptors in this part are the primary work level descriptors for each of the ANU Officer and Senior Manager levels.

S6.2.1 Definitions

Definition 1:Supervision
Close supervision:Clear and detailed instructions are provided. Tasks are covered by standard procedures. Deviation from procedures or unfamiliar situations are referred to higher levels. Work is regularly checked.
Routine supervision:Direction is provided on the tasks to be undertaken with some latitude to rearrange sequences and discriminate between established methods. Guidance on the approach to standard circ*mstances is provided in procedures, guidance on the approach to non-standard circ*mstances is provided by a supervisor. Checking is selective rather than constant.
General direction:Direction is provided on the assignments to be undertaken, with the occupant determining the appropriate use of established methods, tasks and sequences. There is some scope to determine an approach in the absence of established procedures or detailed instructions, but guidance is readily available. Performance is checked by assignment completion.
Broad direction:Direction is provided in terms of objectives which may require the planning of staff, time and material resources for their completion. Limited detailed guidance will be available and the development or modification of procedures by the staff member may be required. Performance will be measured against objectives.
Definition 2:Qualifications*
Year 12:Completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education, usually in Year 12 of secondary school.
Trade certificate:Completion of an apprenticeship, normally of four years duration, or equivalent recognition, e.g. Certificate III.
Post-trade certificate:A course of study over and above a trade certificate and less than a Certificate IV.
Certificates I and II:Courses that recognise basic vocational skills and knowledge, without a Year 12 prerequisite.
Certificate III:A course that provides a range of well-developed skills and is comparable to a trade certificate.
Certificate IV:A course that provides greater breadth and depth of skill and knowledge and is comparable to a two year part time post-Year 12 or post-trade certificate course.
Diploma:A course at a higher education or vocational educational and training institution, typically equivalent to two years full time post-Year 12 study.
Advanced diploma:A course at a higher education or vocational educational and training institution, typically equivalent to three years full time post-Year 12 study.
Degree:A recognised degree from a higher education institution, often completed in three or four years, and sometimes combined with a one year diploma.
Postgraduate degree:A recognised postgraduate degree, over and above a degree as defined above.

*Within the Australian Framework. Previously recognised qualifications obtained prior to the implementation of the Australian Qualifications Framework continue to be recognised. The above definitions also include equivalent recognised overseas qualifications.

Definition 3:Classification dimensions
Training level:The type and duration of training which the duties of the classification level typically require for effective performance. Training is the process of acquiring skills and knowledge through formal education, on the job instruction or exposure to procedures.
Occupational equivalent:Examples of occupations typically falling within each classification level.
Level of supervision:This dimension covers both the way in which staff are supervised or managed and the role of staff in supervising or managing others.
Task level:The type, complexity and responsibility of tasks typically performed by staff within each classification level.
Organisational knowledge:The level of knowledge and awareness of the organisation, its structure and functions that would be expected of staff at each proposed classification level, and the purposes to which that organisational knowledge may be put.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Judgement is the ability to make sound decisions, recognising the consequences of decisions taken or actions performed. Independence is the extent to which a staff member is able (or allowed) to work effectively without supervision or direction. Problem solving is the process of defining or selecting the appropriate course of action where alternative courses of actions are available.
This dimension looks at how much of each of these three qualities applies at each classification level.
Typical activities:Examples of activities typically undertaken by staff in different occupations at each of the classification levels.

S6.2.2 Primary descriptors

ANUO Level 1

Training level or qualifications:Staff members at the base of this level would not be required to have formal qualifications or work experience upon engagement.

Staff members engaged at the base of this level will be provided with structured on the job training in addition to up to 38 hours of induction to the higher education industry which shall provide information on the higher education institution, conditions of employment, training to be made available and consequent career path opportunities, physical layout of the institution/work areas, introduction to fellow workers and supervisors, work and documentation procedures, occupational health and safety, equal opportunity practices and extended basic literacy and numeracy skills training where required/necessary to enable career path progression.

Occupational equivalent:Cleaner, labourer, trainee for level 2 duties.
Level of supervision:Close supervision or, in the case of more experienced staff working alone, routine supervision.
Task level:Straightforward manual duties, or elements of level 2 duties under close supervision and structured on the job training. Some knowledge of materials, e.g. cleaning chemicals and hand tools, may be required. Established procedures exist.
Organisational knowledge:May provide straightforward information to others on building or service locations.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Resolve problems where alternatives for the jobholder are limited and the required action is clear or can be readily referred to higher levels.
Typical activities:Perform a range of industrial cleaning tasks, move furniture, assist trades personnel with manual duties.

ANUO Level 2

Training level or qualifications:Level 2 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge, training or experience relevant to the duties to be performed, or

completion of year 12 without work experience, or

completion of Certificates I or II with work related experience, or

an equivalent combination of experience and training.

Occupational equivalent:Administrative assistant, security patrol officer.
Level of supervision:Routine supervision of straightforward tasks; close supervision of more complex tasks (see task level below).
Task level:Perform a range of straightforward tasks where procedures are clearly established. May on occasion perform more complex tasks.
Organisational knowledge:Perform a range of straightforward tasks where procedures are clearly established. May on occasion perform more complex tasks.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Solve relatively simple problems with reference to established techniques and practices. Will sometimes choose between a range of straightforward alternatives.

A staff member at this level will be expected to perform a combination of various routine tasks where the daily work routine will allow the latitude to rearrange some work sequences, provided the prearranged work priorities are achieved.

Typical activities:Administrative positions at this level may include duties involving the inward and outward movement of mail, keeping, copying, maintaining and retrieving records, straightforward data entry and retrieval.

Security officers may be involved in a range of patrol duties, including responding to alarms, following emergency procedures and preparing incident reports.

ANUO Level 3

Training level or qualifications:

Level 3 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training in clerical/administrative, trades or technical functions equivalent to:
completion of a trades certificate or Certificate III, or

completion of Year 12 or a Certificate II, with relevant work experience, or

an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.

Staff members advancing through this level may typically perform duties which require further on the job training or knowledge and training equivalent to progress toward completion of a Certificate IV or Diploma.

Occupational equivalent:

Tradesperson, technical assistant/technical trainee, administrative assistant.

Level of supervision:

In technical positions, routine supervision, moving to general direction with experience. In other positions, general direction. This is the first level where supervision of other staff may be required.

Task level:

Some complexity. Apply body of knowledge equivalent to trade certificate or Certificate III, including diagnostic skills and assessment of the best approach to a given task.

Organisational knowledge:

Perform tasks/assignments which require knowledge of the work area processes and an understanding of how they interact with other related areas and processes.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Exercise judgement on work methods and task sequence within specified timelines and standard practices and procedures.

Typical activities:

In trades positions, apply the skills taught in a trades certificate or Certificate III, including performance of a range of construction, maintenance and repair tasks, using precision hand and power tools and equipment. In some cases this will involve familiarity with the work of other trades or require further training.

In technical assistant positions:

  • assist a technical officer in operating a laboratory, including ordering supplies
  • assist in setting up routine experiments
  • monitor experiments for report to a technical officer
  • assist with the preparation of specimens
  • assist with the feeding and care of animals.
  • Staff would be expected to perform a greater range and complexity of tasks as they progressed through the level and obtained further training.

In administrative positions, perform a range of administrative support tasks including:

  • standard use of a range of desk-top based programs, e.g. word processing, established spreadsheet or database applications, and management information systems (e.g. financial, student or human resource systems). This may include store and retrieve documents, key and lay out correspondence and reports, merge, move and copy, use of columns, tables and basic graphics,
  • provide general administrative support to other staff including setting up meetings, answering straightforward inquiries and directing others to the appropriate personnel,
  • process accounts for payment.

ANUO Level 4

Training level or qualifications:

In trades positions, apply the skills taught in a trades certificate or Certificate III, including performance of a range of construction, maintenance and repair tasks, using precision hand and power tools and equipment. In some cases this will involve familiarity with the work of other trades or require further training.

In technical assistant positions:

  • assist a technical officer in operating a laboratory, including ordering supplies
  • assist in setting up routine experiments
  • monitor experiments for report to a technical officer
  • assist with the preparation of specimens
  • assist with the feeding and care of animals.

Staff would be expected to perform a greater range and complexity of tasks as they progressed through the level and obtained further training.

In administrative positions, perform a range of administrative support tasks including:

  • standard use of a range of desk-top based programs, e.g. word processing, established spreadsheet or database applications, and management information systems (e.g. financial, student or human resource systems). This may include store and retrieve documents, key and lay out correspondence and reports, merge, move and copy, use of columns, tables and basic graphics
  • provide general administrative support to other staff including setting up meetings, answering straightforward inquiries and directing others to the appropriate personnel
  • process accounts for payment.
Occupational equivalent:Technical officer or technician, administrative above Level 3, advanced tradespersons.
Level of supervision:

In technical positions, routine supervision to general direction depending upon experience and the complexity of the tasks. In other positions, general direction.

May supervise or co-ordinate others to achieve objectives, including liaison with staff at higher levels. May undertake stand-alone work.

Task level:May undertake limited creative, planning or design functions; apply skills to a varied range of different tasks.
Organisational knowledge:Perform tasks/assignments which require proficiency in the work area's rules, regulations, processes and techniques, and how they interact with other related functions.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:

In trades positions, extensive diagnostic skills.

In technical positions, apply theoretical knowledge and techniques to a range of procedures and tasks.

In administrative positions, provide factual advice which requires proficiency in the work area's rules and regulations, procedures requiring expertise in a specialist area or broad knowledge of a range of personnel and functions.

Typical activities:

In trades positions:

work on complex engineering or interconnected electrical circuits
exercise high precision trades skills using various materials and/or specialised techniques.

In technical positions:

  • develop new equipment to criteria developed and specified by others
  • under routine direction, assist in the conduct of major experiments and research programs and/or in setting up complex or unusual equipment for a range of experiments and demonstrations
  • demonstrate the use of equipment and prepare reports of a technical nature as directed.

In library technician positions:

  • undertake copy cataloguing
  • use a range of bibliographic databases
  • undertake acquisitions
  • respond to reference inquiries.

In administrative positions:

  • may use a full range of desktop based programs, including word processing packages, mathematical formulae and symbols, manipulation of text and layout in desktop publishing and/or web software, and management information systems
  • plan and set up spreadsheets or data base applications be responsible for providing a full range of secretarial services, e.g. in a faculty provide advice to students on enrolment procedures and requirements
  • administer enrolment and course progression records.

ANUO Level 5

Training level or qualifications:

Level 5 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:

  • completion of a degree without subsequent relevant work experience, or
  • completion of an advanced diploma qualification and at least 1 years subsequent relevant work experience, or
  • completion of a diploma qualification and at least 2 years subsequent relevant work experience, or
  • completion of a Certificate IV and extensive relevant work experience, or
  • completion of a post-trades certificate and extensive (typically more than 2 years) relevant experience as a technician, or
  • an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
Occupational equivalent:

Graduate (i.e. degree) or professional, without subsequent work experience on entry (including inexperienced computer systems officer); administrator with responsibility for advice and determinations; experienced technical officer.

Level of supervision:

In professional positions, routine supervision to general direction, depending on tasks involved and experience. In other positions, general direction and may supervise other staff.

Task level:

Apply body of broad technical knowledge and experience at a more advanced level than Level 4, including the development of areas of specialist expertise.

In professional positions, apply theoretical knowledge, at degree level, in a straightforward way. In administrative positions, provide interpretation, advice and decisions on rules and entitlements.

Organisational knowledge:

Perform tasks/assignments which require proficiency in the work area's rules, regulations, policies, procedures, systems, processes and techniques, and how they interact with other related functions, in order to assist in their adaptation to achieve objectives, and advise, assist and influence others.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

In professional positions, solve problems through the standard application of theoretical principles and techniques at degree level.

In technical positions, apply standard technical training and experience to solve problems. In administrative positions, may apply expertise in a particular set of rules or regulations to make decisions, or be responsible for co-ordinating a team to provide an administrative service.

Typical activities:

In technical positions:

  • develop new equipment to general specifications
  • under general direction, assist in the conduct of major experiments and research programs and/or in setting up complex or unusual equipment for a range of experiments and demonstrations
  • under broad direction, set up, monitor and demonstrate standard experiments and equipment use
  • prepare reports of a technical nature.
  • In library technician positions, perform at a higher level than Level 4, including:
  • assist with reader education programs and more complex bibliographic and acquisition services
  • operate a discrete unit within a library which may involve significant supervision or be the senior staff member in an out-posted service.
  • In administrative positions:
  • responsible for the explanation and administration of an administrative function, e.g. HECS advice, records, determinations and payments, a centralised enrolment function, the organisation and administration of exams at a small campus.

In professional positions and under professional supervision:

  • work as part of a research team in a support role
  • provide a range of library services including bibliographic assistance, original cataloguing and reader education in library and reference services
  • provide counselling services.

ANUO Level 6

Training level or qualifications:

Level 6 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:

  • a degree with subsequent relevant experience, or
  • extensive experience and specialist expertise or broad knowledge in technical or administrative fields, or
  • an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
Occupational equivalent:

Graduate or professional with subsequent relevant work experience (including a computer systems officer with some experience); line manager; experienced technical specialist and/or technical supervisor.

Level of supervision:

In professional positions, general direction; in other positions, broad direction. May have extensive supervisory and line management responsibility for technical, administrative and other non-professional staff.

Task level:

Perform work assignments guided by policy, precedent, professional standards and managerial or technical expertise. Staff members would have the latitude to develop or redefine procedure and interpret policy so long as other work areas are not affected. In technical and administrative areas, have a depth or breadth of expertise developed through extensive relevant experience and application.

Organisational knowledge:

Perform tasks/assignments which require proficiency in the work area's existing rules, regulations, policies, procedures, systems, processes and techniques and how they interact with other related functions, and to adapt those procedures and techniques as required to achieve objectives without impacting on other areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Discretion to innovate within own function and take responsibility for outcomes; design, develop and test complex equipment, systems and procedures; undertake planning involving resources use and develop proposals for resource allocation; exercise high level diagnostic skills on sophisticated equipment or systems; analyse and report on data and experiments.

Typical activities:

In technical positions:

  • manage a teaching or research laboratory or a field station
  • provide highly specialised technical services
  • set up complex experiments
  • design and construct complex or unusual equipment to general specifications
  • assist honours and postgraduate students with their laboratory requirements
  • install, repair, provide and demonstrate computer services in laboratories.
  • In administrative positions:
  • provide financial, policy and planning advice
  • service a range of administrative and academic committees, including preparation of agendas, papers, minutes and correspondence
  • monitor expenditure against budget in a school or small faculty.

In professional positions:

  • work as part of a research team
  • provide a range of library services, including bibliographic assistance, original cataloguing and reader education in library and reference services
  • provide counselling services
  • undertake a range of computer programming tasks
  • provide documentation and assistance to computer users
  • analyse less complex user and system requirements.

ANUO Level 7

Training level or qualifications:

Level 7 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:

  • a degree with at least 4 years subsequent relevant experience, or
  • extensive experience and management expertise in technical or administrative fields, or
  • an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
Occupational equivalent:

Senior librarian; technical manager; senior research assistant, professional or scientific officer; senior administrator in a small less complex faculty.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May manage other staff including administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Independently relate existing policy to work assignments or rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems. In professional or technical positions, may be a recognised authority in a specialised area.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of academic and administrative policies and the interrelationships between a range of policies and activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Independently relate existing policy to work assignments, rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems, adapt procedures to fit policy prescriptions or use theoretical principles in modifying and adapting techniques. This may involve stand alone work or the supervision of others in order to achieve objectives. It may also involve the interpretation of policy which has an impact beyond the immediate work area.

Typical activities:

In a library, combine specialist expertise and responsibilities for managing a library function.

In student services, the training and supervision of other professional staff combined with policy development responsibilities which may include research and publication.

In technical manager positions, the management of teaching and research facilities for a department or school.
In research positions, acknowledged expertise in a specialised area or a combination of technical management and specialised research.

In administrative positions, provide less senior administrative support to relatively small and less complex faculties or equivalent.

ANUO Level 8

Training level or qualifications:

Level 8 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:

  • postgraduate qualifications or progress towards postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience, or
  • extensive experience and management expertise, or
  • an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
Occupational equivalent:

Manager (including administrative, research, professional or scientific); senior school or faculty administrator; researcher.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May have management responsibility for a functional area and/or manage other staff including administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Work at this level is likely to require the development of new ways of using a specific body of knowledge which applies to work assignments, or may involve the integration of other specific bodies of knowledge.

Organisational knowledge:The staff member would be expected to make policy recommendations to others and to implement programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution's operations.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice (e.g. to schools or faculties) requiring integration of a range of university policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisation structures.
Typical activities:
  • Assist in the management of a large functional unit with a diverse or complex set of functions and significant resources.
  • Manage a function or development and implementation of a policy requiring a high degree of knowledge and sensitivity.
  • Manage a small or specialised unit where significant innovation, initiative and/or judgement are required.
  • Provide senior administrative support to schools and faculties of medium complexity, taking into account the size, budget, course structure, external activities and management practices within the faculty or equivalent unit.

ANUO Level 9 / SM1

Training level or qualifications:Level 9 OR SM1 duties typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:
  • postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience, or
  • extensive management experience and proven management expertise, or
  • an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.
Occupational equivalent:Manager (including administrative, research, professional or scientific); senior school or faculty administrator; senior researcher.
Level of supervision:Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will have management responsibility for a major functional area and/or manage other staff including administrative, technical and/or professional staff.
Task level:Demonstrated capacity to conceptualise, develop and review major professional, management or administrative policies at the corporate level. Significant high level creative, planning and management functions. Responsibility for significant resources.
Organisational knowledge:Conceptualise, develop and review major policies, objectives and strategies involving high level liaison with internal and external client areas. Responsible for programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution's operations.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Responsible for significant program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice (e.g. to schools or faculties or at the corporate level) requiring integration of a range of internal and external policies and demands, and an ability to achieve broad objectives while operating within complex organisational structures.
Typical activities:

Assist in the management of a large functional unit with a diverse or complex set of functions and significant resources.

Manage a function or development and implementation of a policy requiring a high degree of knowledge and sensitivity and the integration of internal and external requirements.

Manage a small and specialised unit where significant innovation, initiative and/or judgement are required.

Provide senior administrative support to the more complex schools and faculties, taking into account the size, budget, course structure, external activities and management practices within the faculty or equivalent unit.

ANUO Level 10 / SM1

Training level or qualifications:Duties at or above this level typically require a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training equivalent to:
  • proven expertise in the management of significant human and material resources; in addition to, in some areas,
  • postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience.
Occupational equivalent:Senior program, research or administrative manager.
Level of supervision:Broad direction, operating with a high overall degree of autonomy. Will have substantial management responsibility for diverse activities and/or staff (including administrative, technical and/or professional staff).
Task level:Complex, significant and high level creative planning, program and managerial functions with clear accountability for program performance. Comprehensive knowledge of related programs. Generate and use a high level of theoretical and applied knowledge.
Organisational knowledge:Bring a multiperspective understanding to the development, carriage, marketing and implementation of new policies; devise new ways of adapting the organisation's strategies to new, including externally generated, demands.

Be fully responsible for the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:Be fully responsible for the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs.
Typical activities:

Manage a large functional unit with a diverse or complex set of functions and significant resources.

Manage a more complex function or unit where significant innovation, initiative and/or judgement are required.

Provide senior administrative support to the most complex schools and faculties in large institutions, involving complex course structures, significant staff and financial resources, outside activities and extensive devolution of administrative, policy and financial management responsibilities to this position.

Senior Manager (SM) positions
The minimum requirements for all SM 2 - 5 classifications are as follows:

Training level or qualifications:Postgraduate qualifications with relevant experience* and proven expertise in the management of significant human and material resources or an equivalent combination of experience and training.

* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be at least 8 years.

Level of supervision:Broad direction. Usually will manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.
Task level:Conceptualise, develop, initiate and review major technical and/or administrative policies at University level.
Responsible for management of a complex area of work at a level higher than ANUO 10.
Accountable for program performance.
Comprehensive knowledge of related programs.
Organisational knowledge:Devise new ways of adapting technical and/or administrative strategies to meet new internal and external demands.
Judgement, independence and problem solving:Full responsibility for achieving significant objectives and programs. Will have a significant collaborative role.

The specific requirements for each SM classification are as follows:



Area managed

Single section, usually only one significant component.

Number of staff

Usually 5-10, at least one of whom would be above ANUO 6/7 level.

Variety:Usually at least one professional stream plus support staff and/or at least one major function which is either in a professional field with campus-wide client base or performs a limited number of service functions for a significant portion of the ANU.
Policy:Drafts policy for the area; devises strategy for achievement of given policy; advises more senior staff on policy which has impact outside their area.
Capacity to Commit:Resources within budget.

Usually own area only.

Impact (influence on the University):If the impact of decision making or advice offered has a substantial effect outside the staff member's own area, a higher level may be appropriate.



Area managed

Administrative structure for a school or an office/branch usually with more than one significant component.

Number of staff

Usually 5-50, at least one of whom would be above ANUO 8 level.

Variety:Normally more than one professional stream plus support staff. Either performs a number of major functions, at least one of which must be professional for a campus-wide client base and important for the ANU to achieve its objective or performs a major number of service functions for a significant portion of the ANU.
Policy:Formulates policy for the area for approval by senior officer and/or prepares initial drafts of policy which has campus-wide impact.

Goals are set by senior officer. Devises strategy for achievement of goals subject to approval by senior officer.

Capacity to Commit:Resources within budget.
Usually own area only.
Impact (influence on the University):If the impact of decision making or advice offered has a substantial effect outside the staff member's own area, a higher level may be appropriate.



Area managed

A major portion of the ANU or a number of faculties or more than one school or more than one office/branch but less than a division.

Number of staff

Usually 20+, at least one of whom would be above ANUO 9/10 level.


Normally a number of classification streams, more than one profession.

Performs a number of major functions (more than 2), at least one of which must be professional for a campus-wide client base and important for the ANU to achieve its objective OR performs a major number of service functions for a substantial portion of the ANU.


Prepares initial drafts of policy which has campus-wide impact and/or formulates policy for a substantial area of the ANU for approval by management committee.

Goals usually set by management committee. Devises strategy for achievement of goals subject to approval by management committee.

Reporting lines may be diffuse. Staff at this level would not usually have a single direct supervisor.

Capacity to Commit:

Resources within budget.

Responsible for additional resources.

Capacity to commit to own area only.

Impact (influence on the University):

If the impact of decision making or advice offered has a substantial effect outside the staff member's own area, a higher level may be appropriate.



Area managed

Campus-wide client base. Usually controls a division.

Number of staff

Usually 20+, at least one of whom would be above ANUO 9/10 level.

Usually responsible for divisional budget.


Normally a number of classification streams, more than one profession.

Performs a number of major functions (more than 2), at least one of which must be professional for a campus-wide client base and important for the ANU to achieve its objective or performs a major number of service functions for a substantial portion of the ANU.


Determines policy and strategy for own area. May determine University policy with relation to own area of responsibility.

May set goals for own area, will be a key player in such goal setting.
Will participate in goal setting for ANU, at least in matters relating to own area.

Key factor in determining level is that SAO4/SM5 staff will report to a Pro Vice-Chancellor or higher.

Capacity to Commit:

May commit ANU on matters within specified limits.

Impact (influence on the University):

If the impact of decision making or advice offered has a major effect on broad University policy outside the staff member's normal area of operation, a higher level may be appropriate.

S6.2.3 Glossary of Terms

(The meaning of terms defined in the primary descriptors also applies to the secondary descriptors.)


To modify or alter.


To recommend a course of action; to counsel; to give advice to (not simply to tell or inform).


To study the factors of a situation or problem in detail in order to determine the solution or outcome.


The resolution or breaking up of factors/tasks/data into their various simple elements.


To foresee events, trends, consequence or problems.


To sanction officially; to ratify (thereby assuming responsibility).


A School, Centre, The Faculties or University Division (e.g. Buildings and Grounds Division, Central Areas, Finance and Accounting Division, Secretary's Division).
See also: Local Work Area


To lend aid; to help; to give support to.


To work with and act jointly with others.

Communication skills

Thoughts and information are expressed clearly, concisely with the choice of words adjusted to meet the needs of others. Careful listening ensures a mutual understanding of the information exchanged. Written work is accurate, logical, concise and expressed in a way which others can easily follow.


Intricate, complicated; consisting of a number of inter-related steps requiring analysis and/or judgement.


To form ideas or notions which give rise to options, solutions or improved methods or understanding.


To confer with; to seek the advice, views or ideas of others.


To communicate with.


To bring into common action; to harmonise; to integrate.

Delegate (verb)

To assign or entrust to another tasks, duties or responsibilities whilst retaining ultimate accountability and responsibility.


To illustrate and explain, especially with examples.


To create a plan or scheme.


To initiate, elaborate or expand a plan, program or course of action.


To plan or invent a way of doing something or an alternative way of doing something.


To ascertain the condition of; to identify an error or malfunction.


To apportion or deal out as in distributing literature or mail.


To write or compose papers or documents in rough, preliminary or final form, usually for clearance and approval by others.


To set up; to institute; to place on a firm basis.


To appraise; to assess the value of.


A person having particular skill(s), experience and in-depth knowledge.


To make easy or less difficult (usually by doing something to advance the accomplishment of some objective).


To develop or devise a statement of policy, a method or a procedure.


To carry out a task, plan or program.


The extent to which a staff member is allowed or encouraged to work without supervision or direction.


To begin a process; set going; originate.


To exercise creativity in introducing something new or in making changes.


Action or behaviour that influences and responds to that of another or others.


The ability to make sound decisions, recognising the consequences of decisions taken or actions performed.


The ability to create a cohesive, cooperative and equitable work group which effectively achieves the objectives of the work area. Leadership implies the continual development of staff and giving and receiving constructive feedback on a regular basis.


To maintain contact with; to act as intermediary between parties.

Local work area

A Centre, Unit, Office, Department or Program.


To keep possession of; to hold or keep in an appropriate condition; to keep up to date or current.


To take responsibility for; to control.


To make changes to.


To watch, check, keep track of or record progress of.


To communicate or confer with others for the purpose of arranging some matter by mutual agreement; to have discussions with a view to some compromise or settlement.


To conduct or perform an activity.


To take part in.


To carry out or execute some action.


The written determinations, guidelines, procedures or accepted practice which govern actions.


To make ready for a particular purpose.

Problem solving

The process of defining and selecting the appropriate course or courses of action in order to resolve problems or difficulties, or seek out most desirable or workable outcomes; may involve innovation.


To handle in accordance with prescribed procedures.


Having a demonstrated ability to perform relevant tasks competently.


To propose a course of action for decision or approval.


To register; to set down in writing.


To act in the place of, or on behalf of.


To give an account of; to furnish information or data.


The systematic investigation into and study of materials or sources to establish facts, collate information and make recommendations when appropriate.


To re-examine, to re-assess, to re-evaluate.


To rework in order to correct or improve; to make a new, improved or up to date version of.


Standard or regular way of working usually within established processes, methods and guidelines.


Presenting no complications.

Strategic planning

To plan and develop proposals to achieve organisational goals and objectives.

Strategic support

Support critical to achievement of an objective.


To take leadership and responsibility for the direction and performance of staff and work in a designated work area.


The staff member designated by the University to supervise the work and performance of employees as human resources; may have responsibility for non-human resources.


To grasp the meaning of; to have knowledge of or technical acquaintance with

University level of influence

School or Faculty where the activity has a major influence; or the influence is on a major area of the University; or there is a significant influence University-wide.


To make use of.


To prove to be true or accurate; to confirm or substantiate.

S6.3 Secondary Descriptors

Administration Secondary Descriptors

ANUO 2-3 (Admin)

ANU Officer Levels 2 to 3 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that occupants will progress to the higher levels within the broadband, subject to gaining greater knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors.

ANUO4 (Admin)

Training level or qualifications:

Year 12 and extensive relevant work experience or equivalent combination of experience and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

Interpret local policies and rules. Apply increased skills to varied range of functions. Greater independence of action than at ANUO3 level. Complexity of functions performed by stores positions may be greater due to imprest function.

Organisational knowledge:

Proficient in processes. Broad knowledge of related functions elsewhere and other areas' operations which interact with the process used or on outcomes.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Through application of experience and precedents solve problems related to own work at local level only.
Stores positions require expertise in stores procedures and provide advice at that level.

ANUO5 (Admin)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree or Year 12 and extensive relevant work experience OR equivalent combination of experience and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise, or delegate some tasks to other staff.
Stores positions will have supervisory responsibility.

Task level:

Provision of preliminary advice on the application of University policies and procedures OR requires expertise in some area. Apply procedures and techniques to achieve objectives.
Imprest function at University-wide level for stores positions.

Organisational knowledge:

Proficient in processes and procedures. Sound knowledge of related functions elsewhere within the University and their interaction with the local area's operation.
Stores positions require extensive knowledge of stores environment.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Make decisions based on experience and expertise. Provide advice at that level. Planning and coordinating work may be required.
Stores positions require expertise in stores procedures and provide advice at that level.

ANUO6/7 (Admin)
ANU Officer Levels 6 and 7 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a higher level, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

Training level or qualifications:

Degree with relevant experience or extensive experience in administrative field or an equivalent combination of extensive relevant experience and education/training.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction relating to work methods and practices. May have supervisory responsibility for administrative or cross stream staff.

Task level:

Using acquired experience and skills undertake and manage work assignments, guided by policy, precedents and/or standards. Modify and define procedures with the effect confined to local work area (e.g. Business Manager's Office).

Organisational knowledge:

Adapt administrative processes used elsewhere within University to own area of work. Possess working knowledge of related administrative functions external to own organisational unit (e.g. Faculty).

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Discretion to innovate within own functions and take responsibility for outcomes. Develop and test procedures and/or systems. Plan and develop proposals for use of resources (e.g. Business Manager's Office).

ANUO8 (Admin)

Training level or qualifications:

Progress towards postgraduate qualifications and relevant experience* or an equivalent combination of experience and education/training.
* Note: as a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May have management responsibility for a functional area and/or supervisory responsibility for administrative and/or cross-stream staff.

Task level:

Responsible for management of an area of work. Conceptualise, develop and review for consideration by more senior officers major administrative policies at University level or significant high level creative, planning and management functions.

Organisational knowledge:

Make recommendations on policy. Develop and/or implement programs/projects involving major change which may impact on other areas' operations.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program/project development and implementation. Provide strategic administrative support and advice to one or more of the following: University Divisions, Schools, The Faculties, Centres or Activities. Such support requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational structures.

ANUO9/10 OR SM1 (Admin)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

Entry into ANUO 10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed Statement of Expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the higher level criteria in the above paragraph.

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications and relevant experience or an equivalent combination of experience and education/training.
Extensive management experience and proven management expertise.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage other administrative and cross stream staff.

Task level:

Responsible for management of an area of work. Conceptualise, develop and review for consideration by more senior officers major administrative policies at University level or significant high level creative, planning and management functions.

Organisational knowledge:

Initiate and develop new policies and review major policies, objectives and strategies. Responsible for programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the University.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program/project development and implementation. Provide strategic administrative support and advice to one or more of the following: University Divisions, Schools, The Faculties, Centres or Activities. Such support requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational structures.

Cleaner Secondary Descriptors

ANUO2 (Clean)

Training level or qualifications:

Requires skills and knowledge relevant to duties performed or Year 12 or equivalent combination of experience and training.

Level of supervision:

Routine but close if task less than straightforward.

Task level:

On occasion performs tasks which are not straightforward.

Organisational knowledge:

Broad knowledge of work area including functions plus location and availability of related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Solve simple problems using precedents. Choose from limited range of alternatives.

ANUO3 (Clean)

Training level or qualifications:

Year 12 and some relevant work experience or equivalent combination of experience and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. Will supervise other staff.

Task level:

Some complexity. Apply skills over range of duties. May assist more senior staff with specific organisational tasks associated with the nature of work.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of processes. School or Centre-wide knowledge. Some knowledge of related functions elsewhere.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Assessment of best approach to given task.

Engineer Secondary Descriptors

ANUO5/6 (Eng)
ANU Officer Levels 5 and 6 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants will have a deeper understanding, and a more independent application of, engineering theory, processes and techniques, and a consequent increase in the complexity of the functions performed.

Training level or qualifications:

Relevant Degree OR qualifications acceptable for Graduate membership of Engineers Australia.

Level of supervision:

Routine supervision to general direction. May be required to supervise cross-stream staff.

Task level:

Apply engineering knowledge, principles and techniques in a straightforward way.

Organisational knowledge:

Tasks/assignments which require proficiency in work area's rules, regulations, processes and techniques and know how they interact with other functions.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Solve engineering problems through standard application of principles and techniques at degree level.

ANUO7 (Eng)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree plus relevant experience* and qualifications acceptable for Corporate membership as a Member of Engineers Australia.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction but closer supervision on more complex engineering activities. May manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Apply engineering knowledge and skills to the research/teaching program, or at University level.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of relevant research teaching or site implications and relevant external engineering activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Take responsibility for own work outcomes. Design, develop and test complex equipment, systems and procedures. Diagnose problems on sophisticated equipment. Devise ways in which a specific body of knowledge is applied to solve complex problems. Adapt procedures and use theoretical principles in modifying and adapting techniques. May have impact beyond the immediate work area.

ANUO8 (Eng)

Training level or qualifications:

Eligibility for Corporate membership of Engineers Australia plus extensive relevant experience* OR eligibility for Corporate membership of Engineers Australia plus postgraduate qualifications and relevant experience.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May manage administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Innovative and may contribute to research and/or planning and policy development. Independently apply engineering knowledge and skills to a particular area of engineering and assess implications.

Organisational knowledge:

Devises and/or contributes to design of projects/programs involving major change, the results of which may impact on other areas' operations.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Contribute to project/program design, development and implementation.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 Step 1 and 2 (Eng)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

ANUO9/SM1 Step 1 (Eng)

Training level or qualifications:

Eligibility for Corporate membership of Engineers Australia plus extensive relevant experience* OR eligibility for Corporate membership of Engineers Australia plus postgraduate qualifications and relevant experience.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 6 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage administrative and/or technical and professional staff.

Task level:

Demonstrated capacity to develop and review major projects in area of expertise. Innovative and may contribute to research and/or planning and policy development. Independently apply engineering knowledge and skills to a particular area of engineering and assess implications.

Organisational knowledge:

Responsible for development and implementation of project/program involving major change, the results of which may impact on other areas' operations. High level consultation.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation.

ANUO10/SM1 Step 2 (Eng)
Entry into ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed Performance and Development agreement in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM Step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications plus extensive relevant experience* acceptable for Corporate membership as a Senior Member of Engineers Australia.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 8 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage administrative and/or technical and professional staff.

Task level:

Tasks require the capacity and skills acquired through achievement in areas at the forefront of engineering practice plus management and accountability for major research and/or teaching projects or programs. Initiate and/or use high level theoretical and applied knowledge. Comprehensive knowledge of related projects/ programs and other relevant fields.

Organisational knowledge:

Multi-perspective understanding of the development, carriage and implementation of projects/ programs, and marketing of scientific developments required.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Fully responsible for achievement of significant objectives and projects/programs.

Grounds Secondary Descriptors

ANUO2 (Grounds)

Training level or qualifications:

No formal qualifications. Some previous experience which is relevant to one of the areas of work is essential.

Level of supervision:

Routine but close if task less than straightforward.

Task level:

Perform tasks within established procedures. May on occasion perform more complex tasks. Some botanical knowledge may be required.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of grounds and service locations.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Solve simple problems using precedents, established practices & procedures.

ANUO3 (Grounds)

Training level or qualifications:

Horticulture/Greenkeeping Certificate with some relevant work experience or an equivalent combination of education/training and relevant experience.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

Some complexity. Some analysis of best way to undertake or complete tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Judgement on which task should be done in order to complete work to deadline. Some diagnosis required.

ANUO4 (Grounds)

Training level or qualifications:

Horticulture/Greenkeeping Certificate plus relevant experience* OR an equivalent combination of education/training and extensive relevant experience.

Supervisory experience.
* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be 4 years

Level of supervision:

General direction. Will supervise other staff.

Task level:

Will undertake planning or design functions related to University grounds and their maintenance. Apply skills to varied range of tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related areas. Perform work requiring proficiency with methods. Knowledge of objectives in order to coordinate gardening activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Diagnose and solve problems through application of experience, precedents, and theoretical knowledge.

Hospitality Secondary Descriptors

ANUO1/2 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications:

ANU Officer Levels 1 to 2 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that occupants will progress to the higher levels within the broadband subject to gaining greater knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors.

Level of supervision:

Task level:

Organisational knowledge:

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

ANUO3 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications:

Persons employed at Level 3 shall typically perform duties at a skill level which assumes and requires knowledge or training in clerical/administrative, trades or technical functions equivalent to:
completion of a trades certificate; or
completion of Year 12, with relevant work experience; or
equivalent relevant experience or combination of relevant experience and education/training.
Trade Certificate OR equivalent combination of qualifications and experience.

Level of supervision:

In technical positions, routine supervision, moving to general direction with experience. In other positions, general direction. This is the first level where supervision of other staff may be required general direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

Some complexity. Apply body of knowledge equivalent to trade certificate, including diagnostic skills and assessment of the best approach to a given task.
Some complexity. Some analysis of best way to undertake or complete tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Perform tasks/assignments which require knowledge of the work area processes and an understanding of how they interact with other related areas and processes.
Knowledge of own work area trade processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related trade areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Exercise judgement on work methods and task sequence within specified timelines and standard practices and procedures.
Judgement on which task should be done in order to complete work to deadline.

ANUO4 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

Year 12 and extensive relevant work experience or equivalent combination of relevant experience and training.

Level of supervision

General direction. Will supervise other staff.

Task level

Perform work requiring proficiency in the work area's regulations and processes. Greater independence of action than at ANUO 3 level. Apply skills to a varied range of tasks. These may be stock rotation, ordering and product knowledge.

Organisational knowledge

Proficient in the work area's processes and broad knowledge of related functions elsewhere.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Through application of experience, solve problems at local level.

ANUO5 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

Completion of an advanced diploma qualification and at least 1 years subsequent relevant work experience or equivalent combination of relevant experience and training

Level of supervision

General direction. Will supervise other staff.

Task level

Apply broad knowledge and experience related to the field, including the development of areas of specialist expertise. Provide interpretation, advice and decisions on rules and entitlements.

Organisational knowledge

Perform tasks/assignments which require proficiency in the work area's rules, regulations, policies, procedures, systems, processes and techniques, and how they interact with other related functions, in order to assist in their adaptation to achieve objectives, and advise, assist and influence others.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Solve problems through application of training and experience. May apply expertise in a particular set of rules or regulations to make decisions, or be responsible for co-ordinating a team to provide service.

ANUO6 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

A degree with subsequent relevant experience or extensive experience and specialist expertise or
equivalent combination of relevant experience and training

Level of supervision

Broad direction. Will have extensive supervisory and line management responsibility

Task level

Have a depth or breadth of expertise developed through extensive relevant experience and application. Perform work assignments guided by policy, precedent, professional standards and managerial or technical expertise. Staff members would have the latitude to develop or redefine procedure and interpret policy so long as other work areas are not affected.

Organisational knowledge

Perform duties which require proficiency in the work area's existing rules, regulations, policies, procedures, systems, processes and techniques and how they interact with other related functions, and to adapt those procedures and techniques as required to achieve objectives without impacting on other areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Discretion to innovate within own function and take responsibility for outcomes; undertake planning involving resources use; and analyse, develop and report on financial, policy and planning issues.

ANUO7 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

A degree with at least 4 years subsequent relevant experience or extensive experience and management expertise in a related field or equivalent combination of relevant experience and training

Level of supervision

Broad direction. Will manage other staff from various streams.

Task level

Independently relate existing policy to work assignments or rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems. May be a recognised authority in a specialised area.

Organisational knowledge

Detailed knowledge of policies and legislation, and the interrelationships between a range of policies and activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Independently relate existing policy and legislation to work assignments; rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems; adapt procedures to fit policy prescriptions or use theoretical principles in modifying and adapting techniques to achieve objectives. .

ANUO 8 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

Postgraduate qualifications or progress towards postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience, or extensive experience and management expertise, or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.

Level of supervision

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. Management responsibility for a complex set of functions and significant resources and manage staff including other staff from various streams.

Task level

Work at this level is likely to require the development of new ways of using a specific body of knowledge which applies to work assignments, or may involve the integration of other specific bodies of knowledge.

Organisational knowledge

Make policy recommendations to others and implement programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution's operations.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic advice and achieve objectives operating within complex organisation structures.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 Step 1 and 2 (Hospitality)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

ANUO9/SM1 Step 1 (Hospitality)

Training level or qualifications

Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience, or extensive management experience and proven management expertise, or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.

Level of supervision

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Management responsibility for a major functional area and manage staff including other staff from various streams.

Task level

Demonstrated capacity to conceptualise, develop and review major policies at the corporate level. Significant high level creative, planning and management functions. Responsibility for significant resources.

Organisational knowledge

Conceptualise, develop and review major policies, objectives and strategies involving high level liaison with internal and external client areas. Responsible for programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution's operations

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Responsible for significant program development and implementation. Provide strategic advice at the corporate level requiring integration of a range of internal and external policies and demands, and an ability to achieve broad objectives while operating within complex organisational structures.

ANUO10/SM1 Step 2 (Hospitality)
Entry into ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed Statement of Expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM Step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications

Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience and proven management expertise in the management of significant human and material resources or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.

Level of supervision

Broad direction, operating with a high degree of autonomy. Substantial management responsibility for diverse activities and/or staff (including technical and/or professional staff).

Task level

Complex, significant and high level creative planning, program and managerial functions with clear accountability for the performance of a unit of function. Comprehensive knowledge of related programs. Generate and use a high level of theoretical and applied knowledge for the management of the area.

Organisational knowledge

Bring a multi-perspective understanding to the development, carriage, marketing and implementation of new policies; devise new ways of adapting the organisation's strategies to new, including externally generated, demands.
Be fully responsible for the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs.

Judgement, independence and problem solving

Be fully responsible for the achievement of significant organisational objectives and programs.

Information Technology Secondary Descriptors

Information Technology includes the associated systems analysis, systems design, programming and specialist activities. It also includes the direction, control, management and coordination of this work.
Systems analysis is the examination of problems and procedures, or the determination of requirements, for the collection, collation and evaluation of information about an organisation, activity or process, and the specification of objectives which a computer system is required to achieve.
Systems design is the devising of combinations of procedures and processes for data handling which can be effectively integrated in a computer system to achieve the objectives specified by systems analysis.
Information Technology Support involves any or all of:
(a) the design and implementation of systems interconnected components to produce a productive IT environment;
(b) problem diagnosis and solution in a complex IT environment; and
(c) installation and adaptation of a complex IT environment to achieve chosen goals.

ANUO2-3 (IT)

Training level or qualifications:

ANU Officer Levels 2 to 3 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that occupants will progress to the higher levels within the broadband subject to gaining greater knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors.

Level of supervision:

Task level:

Organisational knowledge:

Judgement, independence and problem solving:


Training level or qualifications:

Associate Diploma OR Year 12 and extensive relevant work experience OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

Apply skills to varied range of computing tasks. These may be limited programming, design or IT support functions.

Organisational knowledge:

Proficient in the area's Information Technology processes and techniques and how they inter-relate with other related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Apply techniques to a range of Information Technology tasks.

ANUO5/6 (IT)
ANU Officer Levels 5 and 6 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a higher level, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

Training level or qualifications:

Degree OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience and training.&nbsnbsp;

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

Tasks requiring application of theoretical knowledge obtained through tertiary study or work experience.

Organisational knowledge:

Proficient in the area's Information Technology processes and techniques and how they inter-relate with other related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Apply theoretical knowledge to solve straightforward computing problems.


Training level or qualifications:

Degree plus relevant experience* or equivalent combination of relevant experience and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Rethink the way a specific body of Information Technology knowledge is applied to solve problems. May be a recognised authority in a particular Information Technology field or developing specialisation.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of academic and/or administrative systems and their inter-relationship with other Information Technology and programming applications and/or detailed knowledge of resources for support, and of the support structures of the ANU.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Relate University policy to work assignments.


Training level or qualifications:

Progress towards Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience* or an equivalent combination of experience and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 3 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. Will probably manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Develop new methods of using specific body of Information Technology knowledge. May involve integration with other bodies of knowledge. Probably recognised authority in their particular specialisation.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of University policy which may impact on the area's operations and/or provide a protection within the University environment for other or all areas of the University. Implement academic and administrative systems.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic Information Technology support and advice to other areas of the University.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 Step 1 and 2 (IT)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy,and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.
ANUO9/SM1 Step 1 (IT)

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualification and relevant experience* plus management experience and expertise or an equivalent combination of experience and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 6 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Conceptualise, develop and review major administrative policies at University level. Responsible for management and resources of an area of work.

Organisational knowledge:

Initiate and develop new policies and review major policy objectives and strategies. Recommends on and responsible for implementation of programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the University.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to other areas of the University requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisation structures.

ANUO10/SM1 Step 2 (IT)
Entry into ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed Statement of Expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM Step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM Step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications and relevant experience* plus management experience and proven management expertise or an equivalent combination of experience and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 8 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, operating with a high overall degree of autonomy. Will manage other administrative, technical and/or professional staff.

Task level:

Conceptualise, develop and review major administrative policies at University level. Responsible for management of a complex area of work. Accountable for program performance. Comprehensive knowledge of related programs.

Organisational knowledge:

Devise new ways of adapting strategies to meet new internal and external demands.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Full responsibility for achieving significant objectives and programs.

Library Secondary Descriptors

ANUO4 (Library)

Training level or qualifications:

Associate Diploma in Library Studies or a Library Technician Certificate or an equivalent combination of relevant training and extensive relevant experience.

Level of supervision:

Initially routine supervision, moving to general direction depending on experience and the complexity of tasks.
May supervise and coordinate others. May undertake stand alone work.

Task level:

Work is of a library nature and requires only a limited knowledge of library functions and relationships between areas. May undertake limited creative, planning or design functions. Apply skills to varied range of different tasks. Proficiency in rules, regulations and procedures which apply to own work.

Organisational knowledge:

Work performed requires knowledge of the functions, processes and rules of one work area, and its inter-relationship with other areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Some interpretation of procedures and application of judgement, which will vary depending on the location of the position.

ANUO5/6 (Library)
For incremental advancement or appointment to the higher levels of the ANUO 5/6 Library broadband, occupants will have developed a full understanding of the local work area functions and a sound knowledge of activities in university libraries. This is expected to result in more independent application of library methods and procedures, with more time spent on the more complex functions of the position, and demonstrated initiative in relation to the work.

Training level or qualifications:

Degree in librarianship or Graduate Diploma in Librarianship or equivalent or Associate Diploma in library studies and relevant experience*.
* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be at least 2 years.

Level of supervision:

May supervise and co-ordinate others. Routine supervision to general direction for qualified Librarian positions.

Task level:

Application of technical knowledge, or for Librarians professional knowledge followed by development of skills and expertise. Provide advice on procedures, policies and services as required.

Organisational knowledge:

Familiarity with library procedures, policies and services. Proficiency in work areas rules, processes and techniques.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

May apply expertise and/or make decisions within framework of established methods and procedures.

ANUO7 (Library)

Training level or qualifications:

Librarianship degree or Graduate Diploma with library experience* including some management experience. Eligibility for membership of a relevant professional association.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction related to Divisional policy and planning objectives. May be expected to supervise. Supervision may include qualified Library staff.

Task level:

Design work flows. In depth knowledge of library functions and their inter-relationship is required and applied. May be recognised authority in a library activity or activities in particular subject area. Required to modify, develop and implement services.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of area activities as related to and applied from own work area and the inter-relationship between these activities and other University policies, objectives, and activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Detailed knowledge of area activities as related to and applied from own work area and the inter-relationship between these activities and other University policies, objectives, and activities.

ANUO8 (Library)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree in Librarianship or Graduate Diploma with relevant experience* and substantial management experience. Eligibility for membership of a relevant professional association.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction related to Divisional policy, objectives and planning, working with a degree of autonomy. Depending on the area may be expected to manage a large number of staff.

Task level:

Work assignments guided by Library standards and technical expertise or particular requirements. Will be a recognised authority in a particular library activity. Will implement the integration of Library and/or University policy. Demonstrated capacity to conceptualise, develop and review relevant policies at Library level. Full grasp of University needs in order to provide strategic support and advice to the Library and its users.

Organisational knowledge:

Recommend and implement policies and programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the University.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Contribute to program development and be responsible for its implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to the Library requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational structures.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 Step 1 and 2 (Library)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

ANUO9/SM1 Step 1 (Library)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree in Librarianship, or Graduate Diploma with relevant experience* plus eligibility for membership of a relevant professional association together with extensive library and management experience and proven management expertise.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 6 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction subject to the requirements of senior management only, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage staff in a high level specialist service or section.

Task level:

Work assignments guided by library standards and technical expertise or particular requirements, University needs and national trends. Participate in the formulation of Library policy at University level with senior staff. May involve establishment and maintenance of contact with a wide range of commercial and professional organisations. Will be a primary resource for advice on particular activities at University level. Will coordinate the integration of policies. Demonstrated capacity to conceptualise, develop and review policies at Library and/or University level. Recommends on allocation of Library resources.

Organisational knowledge:

Initiate and develop policies and programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the University. Extensive and/ or in depth knowledge of local and national library, University and higher education industry policies/trends will be required for achievement of particular Library objectives.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to the Library requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, an ability to achieve objectives, operating within complex organisational structures.

ANUO10/SM1 Step 2 (Library)
Entry into ANUO 10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed statement of expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Degree in Librarianship, or Graduate Diploma, with relevant experience* together with proven expertise in the management of significant human and material resources. Eligibility for membership of a relevant professional association.
* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be at least 8 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction subject to the requirements of senior management only, operating with a high overall degree of autonomy. Will manage staff in a high level specialist service or section.

Task level:

Conceptualise, develop, review and negotiate policies at library and University level. Responsible for management of complex area of work. Accountability for program performance. Recommends to senior management on the allocation of significant library resources. Generate and use a high level of theoretical and applied knowledge.

Organisational knowledge:

Devise new ways of adapting strategies to meet new internal and external demands.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Full responsibility for achievement of significant objectives and programs.

Maintenance Secondary Descriptors

ANUO2 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

It is expected that occupants will have the knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors for Level 2.

Level of supervision:

Task level:

Organisational knowledge:

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

ANUO3 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

Trade Certificate or equivalent.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise non-trades staff.

Task level:

Some complexity. Some analysis of best way to undertake or complete tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area trade processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related trade areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Judgement on which task should be done in order to complete work to deadline.

ANUO4 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

Completion of a trade certificate or certificate lll and relevant experience. Appropriate trade licence.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May supervise other staff.

Task level:

May undertake limited planning or design functions. Apply skills to varied range of tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area trade processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related trade areas. Perform work requiring proficiency with methods. Knowledge and understanding of cross-trade functions. May coordinate cross-trade functions.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Diagnose and solve problems through application of experience, precedents and/or theoretical knowledge.

ANUO5 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

Completion of post-trade certificate or advanced certificate plus extensive relevant experience*. Appropriate trade licence. Supervisory experience required. For internal candidates only an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training. Appropriate trade licence.

* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be 2 or more years.

Level of supervision:

Limited direction. Will supervise other staff.

Task level:

Apply trade skills/knowledge to varied range of tasks at advanced level. Lead a team of maintenance staff performing a trade function.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related areas. Perform work requiring proficiency with methods. Knowledge and understanding of cross-trade functions. Will coordinate cross-trade functions.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Diagnose and solve complex problems through application of experience, precedents and/or theoretical knowledge.

ANUO 6 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

Completion of post-trade certificate or advanced certificate plus extensive relevant experience**. Appropriate trade licence. IN a non 'trade-essential' role: A degree with subsequent relevant experience* OR Advanced Diploma plus extensive experience** OR extensive experience and specialist expertise, including some supervisory experience. OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training

* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be 1 year.

** As a guide it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be 3 or more years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May have extensive supervisory and line management responsibility OR undertake standalone work in a lead project or function role.

Task level:

Have a depth or breadth of expertise developed through extensive relevant experience and application. Perform work assignments guided by policy, precedent, professional standards and managerial or technical expertise. Staff members would have the latitude to develop or redefine procedure and interpret policy with the effect confined to the local work area or zone. May lead a team of maintenance staff performing a trade function OR lead responsibility for a special project or advanced trade function.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area processes and their inter-relations with processes of other related areas. Perform work requiring proficiency with existing rules and regulations, methods and techniques . Knowledge and understanding of cross-trade functions. May coordinate cross-trade functions.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Diagnose and solve complex problems through application of experience, precedents and/or theoretical knowledge. Discretion to innovate within own function and take responsibility for outcomes; undertake planning involving resources use; and analyse, develop and report on financial, policy and planning issues.

ANUO7 (Maint)

Training level or qualifications:

A degree with at least 4 years subsequent relevant experience OR Advanced Diploma plus extensive experience or extensive experience and management expertise in a related field or equivalent combination of relevant experience and training.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May manage other staff from various streams.

Task level:

Independently relate existing policy to work assignments or rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems. May be a recognised authority in a specialised area.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of policies and legislation, and the interrelationships between a range of policies and activities.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Independently relate existing policy and legislation to work assignments; rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems; adapt procedures to fit policy prescriptions or use theoretical principles in modifying and adapting techniques to achieve objectives. May have impact beyond the immediate work area or zone.

Note: ANU Officer at or above these senior levels, in the maintenance Stream, may also be represented by Technical, Specialist or Engineering classification streams with progression to these alternate streams at higher levels.

Printing Secondary Descriptors

ANUO2-3 (Print)

Training level or qualifications:

ANU Officer Levels 2 to 3 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that occupants will progress to the higher levels within the broadband subject to gaining greater knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors.

Level of supervision:

Task level:

Organisational knowledge:

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

ANUO4 (Print)

Training level or qualifications:

Associate Diploma or Year 12 and relevant experience* or a combination of experience and training.
* As a guide, it is expected that experience in this context and at this level will be 6 years.

Level of supervision:

Routine supervision to general direction. Supervision of other staff may be required.

Task level:

May undertake limited creative, planning or design functions. Apply skills to varied range of printing tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of printing area processes and their connection with other related areas on campus. Perform work requiring proficiency with methods and techniques.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Apply theory and techniques to printing tasks. Solve problems.

Research Secondary Descriptors

ANUO4 (Research)

Training level or qualifications:

HSC and/or relevant research experience or progress towards a degree.

Level of supervision:

General direction.

Task level:

Apply research skills to varied range of different tasks.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of research processes in own area, other related research areas, and research resources.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Application of skills only. Minor decisions related to process only.

ANUO5/6 (Research)
ANU Officer Levels 5 and 6 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants will have a deeper understanding, and a more independent application, of the research theory and techniques.

Training level or qualifications:

Completion of a degree without subsequent relevant work experience or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction.

Task level:

Apply research knowledge in the discipline(s) to the research program(s).

Organisational knowledge:

Familiarity with research processes in own area, other related research areas, and research resources.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Solve problems through standard application of theory and techniques at degree level.

ANUO7 (Research)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree and relevant experience at ANUO 6 Level or equivalent*.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May have supervisory/management responsibility.

Task level:

Independently relate existing research to the particular research area and assess implications.

Organisational knowledge:

Adapt research processes to own area. Detailed knowledge of related research.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Analyse and report on data and experiments. Vary or modify process and/or rethink the application of specific bodies of knowledge in order to solve problems and achieve research objectives.

ANUO8 (Research)

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications or progress towards postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience or, for internal progression, degree and relevant experience at ANUO 7 level*.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 3 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May have supervisory responsibility for cross stream staff.

Task level:

High and consistent record of intellectual input and achievement in research.

Organisational knowledge:

Contribute to advancement of research objectives through in-depth knowledge of related national and international research programs and scientific advances in related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Influence research direction. Contribute independently. Advise on and develop new strategies for the support and implementation of research programs.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 Step 1 and 2 (Research)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

ANUO9/SM1 Step 1 (Research)

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience. Internal progression to this level will be considered on the basis of development above the ANUO 8 requirements plus the remaining criteria for this level.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Normally will have some supervisory responsibility.

Task level:

High and consistent record of intellectual input and achievement in research. Will be developing new approaches in the use of specific research knowledge.

Organisational knowledge:

Contribute to advancement of research objectives through in-depth knowledge of related national and international research programs and scientific advances in related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Advise on and develop new and complex strategies for the support and implementation of research programs. Influence research direction. Develop own area of independent research.

ANUO10/SM1 Step 2 (Research)
Entry into ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed statement of expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM1 step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM1 step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience. Proven expertise in the management of significant human and material resources, or an equivalent combination of relevant experience and/or education/training.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, operating with a high overall degree of autonomy. Will have substantial management responsibility for diverse activities and/or staff (including administrative, technical and/or professional staff).

Task level:

High level consistent record of intellectual input on complex matters and achievement in research. Generate new approaches in the use of specific research knowledge using a high level of theoretical and applied knowledge.

Organisational knowledge:

Bring a multiperspective understanding to the development, carriage and implementation of research objectives through in-depth knowledge of related national and international research programs and scientific advances in related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Be fully responsible for the development of new and complex strategies for the support and implementation of research programs. Significant influence on research direction. Maintain own area of independent research.

Security Secondary Descriptors

ANUO3 (Security)

Training level or qualifications:

Completion of Year 12 plus relevant work experience or equivalent relevant experience or a combination of relevant experience and training.

Level of supervision:

Routine supervision, moving to general direction with experience.

Task level:

Apply knowledge gained from experience and rules/regulations governing the work. Assessment of best approach to tasks normally required.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of work processes and detailed knowledge of University campus.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Ability to exercise judgement in relation to work and to work within timelines and standard practices and procedures.

ANUO4 (Security)

Training level or qualifications:

Possession of a current security licence and extensive relevant work experience or equivalent combination of experience and training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. Will supervise other security/cleaning staff.

Task level:

Interpret local policies and rules. Apply increased skills to varied range of functions.

Organisational knowledge:

Proficient in processes. Broad knowledge of work processes and detailed knowledge of University campus. Knowledge of related functions elsewhere and other areas' operations (particularly Facilities and Services), which interact with the processes used or on outcomes.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Through application of experience and precedents solve problems related to own work at local level only.

Technical Secondary Descriptors

ANUO2-3 (Tech)

Training level or qualifications:

ANU Officer Levels 2 to 3 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that occupants will progress to the higher levels within the broadband subject to gaining greater knowledge, skills and experience reflected in the Primary descriptors.

Level of supervision:

Task level:

Organisational knowledge:

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

ANUO4/5 (Tech)
ANU Officer Levels 4 and 5 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the ANU Officer 4/5 broadband occupants will have a deeper understanding, and a more independent application, of the technical methods and procedures used, and a consequent increase in the complexity of the functions performed.

Training level or qualifications:

Associate Diploma or equivalent combination of relevant experience and education/training.

Level of supervision:

Routine supervision to general direction. Supervision of other staff may be required, including technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

May undertake limited creative, planning or design functions. This may include the use and/or manipulation of various computer software applications. Apply skills to varied range of tasks. Perform work requiring proficiency with methods and techniques.
May provide support to a teaching program, for example set up laboratories, field equipment, and ensure appropriate teaching materials are available.
May assist in the delivery of a teaching program, for example demonstrate experiments, techniques and methods and the use of equipment.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of own work area technical processes and their relationship with technical processes of other related areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Research and apply theoretical knowledge and techniques to a range of procedures and tasks.

ANUO6 (Tech)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree with relevant experience* or broad technical knowledge or equivalent combination of experience** and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 2 years.
** As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May have extensive supervisory and line management responsibility, including technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

Perform work assignments with technical expertise within established standards. Some ingenuity in design and/or the application of techniques to own work is required. This may include the use and/or manipulation of various computer software applications. Development associated with method and techniques.
May support a teaching program, for example design and develop practical experiments, and assist with the development and planning of coursework.
May participate in the delivery of a teaching program.

Organisational knowledge:

Some understanding of procedures and techniques being applied elsewhere which may be adaptable/applicable to own work.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Research, design, develop and test complex techniques and/or equipment. Diagnose problems on sophisticated equipment and systems. Analyse and report on data and experiments.

ANUO7 (Tech)

Training level or qualifications:

Degree plus relevant experience* or equivalent combination of relevant experience and education/training.
Management expertise and extensive technical experience.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction. May manage other administrative and/or technical staff, including technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

Perform work assignments with technical expertise. Ingenuity required when performing own work. This may include the use and/or manipulation of various computer software applications. Apply body of knowledge to solve technical, research and/or teaching problems.
May support a teaching program, for example design and develop practical experiments, and assist with the development and planning of coursework.
May participate in the delivery of a teaching program.

Organisational knowledge:

Detailed knowledge of all relevant administrative and technical policies and procedures, including inter-action with other areas.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Diagnose problems on sophisticated equipment. Research ways in which a specific body of knowledge can be applied to solve complex problems. Adapt procedures and use theoretical principles in modifying and adapting techniques. May have impact beyond the immediate work area.

ANUO8 (Tech)

Training level or qualifications:

Progress towards or Postgraduate qualifications plus extensive experience* or extensive experience** and technical management expertise or equivalent combination of relevant experience and education/training.
* As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.
** As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be more than 6 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May manage administrative, technical and/or professional staff, including technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

Use expertise in the area to be technically innovative and to contribute to teaching and/or research or planning and policy development. Significant input to research and/or teaching and/or significant input to management of technical resources at Faculty and School level. This may include the use and/or manipulation of various computer software applications. Manage technical resources at Departmental or Project level.
May support a teaching program, for example design and develop practical experiments, and assist with the development and planning of coursework.
May participate in the delivery of a teaching program

Organisational knowledge:

General understanding of research and/or teaching activities at School/Faculty level, and more comprehensive understanding at Departmental or Project level.
General to comprehensive knowledge of policies/codes/standards as they apply to the work undertaken.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to Research/Teaching Program, School or Faculty.

ANUO9/10 and SM1 step 1 and 2 (Tech)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree of autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

ANUO9/SM1 step 1 (Tech)

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications and extensive relevant experience OR extensive technical experience and proven management expertise OR combination of relevant experience and education/training.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will manage technical and cross-stream staff, which may include technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

Required to use technical expertise in the area, to be innovative and to contribute to research and strategic planning, policy and development. This may include the use and/or manipulation of various computer software applications. Management of, and responsibility for, significant resources at least at School, Faculty or Divisional level.
May support a teaching program, for example design and develop practical experiments, and assist with the development and planning of coursework.
May participate in the delivery of a teaching program.

Organisational knowledge:

Knowledge of research and/or teaching activities at University level and an in-depth understanding of Departmental or Project level.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to Research Program, School or Faculty.

ANUO10/SM1 step 2 (Tech)
Entry into ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed statement of expectations in accordance with clause 24(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.

A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Postgraduate qualifications with relevant experience* and proven expertise in the management of significant human and material resources or an equivalent combination of experience and training.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 8 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, operating with a high overall degree of autonomy. Will manage other administrative and cross stream staff, including technical supervision of students in teaching laboratories and/or on field work.

Task level:

Conceptualise, develop, initiate and review major technical and/or administrative policies at University level. Responsible for management of a complex area of work at a level higher than ANUO 9. Accountable for program performance. Comprehensive knowledge of related programs.

Organisational knowledge:

Devise new ways of adapting technical and/or administrative strategies to meet new internal and external demands.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Full responsibility for achieving significant objectives and programs. Will have a significant collaborative role in research and/or teaching.

Specialist Secondary Descriptors

The specialist secondary descriptors may be used to classify staff from the streams identified in S6.3 where it is acknowledged that the work performed requires expertise in a specialised field. The specialist descriptors may be used for positions which are 'stand alone' or those with line responsibility.
Examples of fields where use may be made of the specialist secondary descriptors are:

  • in the administrative stream, occupational health and safety, counselling, statistics, accounting, physiotherapy, registered nursing and specialised stand alone positions (e.g. Disability Adviser).
  • in the technical stream, where specialist work is undertaken with technical independence (e.g. where the supervisory post has no expertise in that area of work) or the work required is of a specialist nature that provides a single service and/or level of expertise within the University. Such work would be expected to have a high University impact.

ANUO6/7 (Specialist)
ANU Officer Levels 6 and 7 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a higher level, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

Training level or qualifications:

Degree with subsequent relevant specialist/professional experience OR extensive experience in a specialised environment and specialist expertise OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience in a specialised/professional environment and/or specialised/professional education/training.

Level of supervision:

General direction. May have supervisory responsibility for cross stream staff.

Task level:

Work assignments guided by legislation, professional standards, technical expertise and independence or specialist requirements. Latitude to develop or redefine procedures and/or policy, drawing on specialist or professional knowledge, for consideration by more senior officers.

Organisational knowledge:

Sound knowledge of specialist/professional activities as related to, and applied from, own work area.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Discretion to innovate within own functions and take responsibility for outcomes. Design, develop and test complex equipment, systems and procedures. Plan and develop proposals for use of resources.

ANUO8 (Specialist)

Training level or qualifications:

Progress towards postgraduate qualifications with subsequent relevant specialist/professional experience * OR extensive experience in a specialised/professional environment and specialist/professional expertise OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience in a specialised environment and/or specialised/professional education/training.
* Note: As a guide, experience in this context and at this level is likely to be 4 years.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a degree of autonomy. May have supervisory responsibility for cross-stream staff.

Task level:

Work assignments guided by legislation, professional standards, technical expertise or specialist requirements. Latitude to develop or redefine procedures and/or policy drawing on specialist/professional knowledge for consideration by more senior officers. Will be recognised authority in particular activity or activities in specialised area. May coordinate the integration of those activities with other activities.

Organisational knowledge:

Expected to make policy or technical recommendations related to specialist activities. Implement accepted policies or technical programs involving major change which may impact on other Areas of the University or a teaching/research program.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to research programs, Schools or Faculties requiring integration of a range of University policies and/or external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational.

ANUO9/10 OR SM1 step 1 and 2 (Specialist)
ANU Officer Levels 9 and 10 are broadbanded in this stream. It is expected that at the higher levels within the broadband occupants, through experience, will have developed skills and expertise enabling them to more independently perform the full range of duties at a high overall degree autonomy, and that more time will be spent on the more complex functions of the position.

Entry into ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level requires the occupant to have acquired new skills, experience, knowledge and satisfactory performance against an agreed statement of expectations in accordance with clause 23(Incremental salary progression) of this agreement.
A staff member may be appointed directly to ANUO10 or SM step 2 of this broadbanded level subject to meeting the criteria for ANUO10 or SM step 2 below.

Training level or qualifications:

Progress towards postgraduate qualifications with more than 4 years subsequent relevant specialist/professional experience OR extensive experience in a specialised/professional environment and specialist/professional expertise OR an equivalent combination of relevant experience in a specialised/professional environment and/or specialised/professional education/training.

Level of supervision:

Broad direction, working with a considerable degree of autonomy. Will have supervisory responsibility for other professional/specialist staff except in circ*mstances where positions are stand-alone or in a very small highly-specialised unit where all specialist staff would normally be at or above ANUO9 level.

Task level:

Work assignments guided by legislation professional standards, technical expertise or specialist requirements. Will be a recognised authority in specialist/professional activities at University level. Will coordinate the integration of policy activities with other policy activities. Demonstrated capacity to conceptualise, develop and review major administrative or professional policies or Technical programs at University level.

Organisational knowledge:

Initiate and develop new policies and review major policies, objectives and strategies. Responsible for programs involving major change which may impact on other Areas of the University.

Judgement, independence and problem solving:

Responsible for program development and implementation. Provide strategic support and advice to research programs, Schools or Faculties requiring integration of a range of University policies and external requirements, and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational structures.

Schedule 6. Professional staff classification descriptors (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.