Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: On the Edge of Infinity - Chapter 4 - InkyMoth (InkyMoth_art) (2024)

Chapter Text

Mona jogged to join her friend and Clave. The Morgrem was leading them to a small tunnel directly across from the job board, decorated with wooden shapes and letters.

"Before we go anywhere, we'll need to stock up on supplies. I suggest you do this the night before any excursions, but we'll make an exception today." Clave said as they breached the tunnel. "Sidus, I know you've met the Kecleons, so how about you do the honors? It's good practice for you as leader."

"Sure! Do we get a team bag like the other members?"

"Sure will, the Kecleons should have a Rookie bag that'll do the job." He looked across Sidus at Mona (she was still carefully keeping him between her and Clave), "You'll get a new bag every time your team grows in power, think of it as a present for getting stronger."

Mona simply nodded, stomach too twisted to speak. Sidus bounded ahead and burst from the end of the tunnel into an incredible sight. A huge cavern stretched out in front of her. Small wooden houses, similar in style to the Syndicate rooms, lined carefully laid out streets. Every house exploded with color. Every panel and shingle painted a bright hue that battled the gloom of living in a cave. Several chasms in the cavern ceiling spilled light onto the town, allowing sparse plant life to thrive. A huge tree stretched up from town square, an underground stream snaking around it.

"Welcome to Sika Town, darkling. You'll find any service or shop you need here. We'll give you a tour when we get back but for now we need to get to the market up ahead."

Clave walked next to Mona as Sidus jumped up ahead, his upright tails leading them through other busy Pokémon. She shivered again. Clave looked at her, with slightly knitted eyebrows.

"Are you okay? You've been shaking and jittering ever since we left the morning roll-call."

She didn't know what to say. You can't exactly tell someone you hate the very air around them in your first one on one conversation. She stammered for something to say.

"Just feeling a bit nervous, I don't want to let anyone down," she finally said.

"Oh you won't. We aren't doing anything fantastic today. Recovering a scarf is hardly anything to 'tie yourself in a knot' over." He chuckled.

He studied her for a moment, as she failed to react at all. She didn't notice her fur bristling slightly instinctively.

"Have you ever met a fairy type before?" he finally asked, head slightly co*cked at her.

"I don't believe so? Why?"

He laughed again. "That explains it! You have been shaking like a Whismur every time I get next to you. Are you scared of me little darkling?"

Mona stopped, mortified. She took a couple steps back, embarrassed and as he said, scared.

Clave immediately stopped laughing and adopted a gentler tone. "Please don't be, it's completely natural for your kind to feel that way, come along I think I have a solution for you." He followed after Sidus, who hadn't noticed their exchange.

Clave carefully kept a distance from Mona, until they reached a street full of small tents and chattering Pokémon going about their business. She spotted a slightly irritated Vaporeon buying a thunderstone with a giddy Eevee, and a Miltank precariously carrying several bags full to the brim with milk filled bottles. It was controlled chaos, every Pokémon beelining for their destination and walking away loaded with goods. Sidus stopped them in from of a green and purple tent run by two Kecleon, one purple and one green to match their shop. The two immediately greeted Sidus and Clave.

"About time you got a membership at the Syndicate Sidus! Now you can stop gawking at our wares and actually buy them!" the green one said elbowing the purple one. "Look at his earring Vi!"

The purple one cupped Sidus face in their hands, inspecting his face like a doting grandparent. "By Arceus, look how much you've grown up! I'm surprised your mother finally let you in."

Clave laughed as Sidus squeezed out of VI's grasp. "It took me and his old pa to convince her. It helped that we had a new recruit to go with him," he shot a thumb over his shoulder at Mona, nervously standing behind him.

Vi shot around both Clave and Sidus at startling speeds despite her short legs to stand in front of Mona. She also cupped Mona's face, looking her over.

"You're deathly scrawny dear. You better be feeding these two youngsters enough in that dining hall of yours," she shot at Clave.

"Oh leave her alone Vi, we feed her enough and she's fine just as she is," Clave said, waving a hand dismissively at her. He turned his attention to Sidus. "Do you know what we'll need for your first job?"

"Of course I do, Clave!"

Sidus hopped up to the green Kecleon still leaning against her stall of goods.

"We need a Rookie set and a couple extra Oran berries, Gi! Oh and could we get an escape orb as well?" He gave Clave a look over his shoulder and said sheepishly, "Just in case we need one in the future, you know?"

Mona watched intently as Gi the Kecleon gathered their items together. She gathered several small seeds in one hand, the bag in the other, and a scoop of oran berries in her tail. Mona wondered what it was like to basically have an extra limb. The items perfectly fit in the bag, with plenty of room to spare. Vi joined her sister, riffling through a pile of perfectly spherical blue orbs. She plopped a single one into the bag Gi still held.

"Of course dearie. Is there anything else you'd like?" She said the question with the air of a mother trying to remind her child about a chore they had forgotten.

Sidus pondered for a moment, one paw pressed to his lip. He suddenly jolted up. "Apples! We need three apples!"

"It'd be a shame to miss out on lunch wouldn't it, but we do need one more thing Sidus," Clave said, "The Celestial Woods are notorious for their powerful bugs, even more so for the poison they have. You'll need to learn to prepare for the specific dungeon ahead, and in this case, we'll need Pecha Berries."

Gi scooped several pink heart-shaped berries into the bag, and a couple apples, before holding it out to Sidus. He excitedly grabbed it up in his mouth, looking at Mona with wide eyes. Filled to the brim with enthusiasm.

"One more little thing, Gi. Could I have a couple Roseli berry leaves? For the new kid," Clave said, pointing at Mona over his shoulder.

"Here, just have a full berry on the house. We have plenty more if ever you need another. The Kecleon Sisters are happy to gain a new customer," Gi said, the edges of her scales turning a happy yellow.

Clave paid for their supplies, while Sidus tried to help Mona put on the bag. He was too prone to excited flames to be trusted with it. They ended up having to wrap it multiple times around her waist and left leg to stay put. The sisters waved them off as another team stopped to buy supplies. Clave pulled them both to the side, out of the way of the morning traffic.

"Alright darkling, let's see if I can help you like me a bit more."

He pulled out the berry, much to Mona's discomfort. His claws brushed against her skin as he searched the bag. He picked the oddly bright blue leaves from it and smashed them in his claws, before smearing the paste into the fabric of her scarf.

"How do you feel now?" The berry almost overwhelmed her with its initial bitter and overwhelmingly sweet smell, burning her nostrils. It faded and Clave ruffled her fur. No usual chill went down her spine, and she giggled getting out from under his hand.

"That's much better!" Clave laughed. "Take note Sidus, certain berries can help reduce the effect of opposing types, specifically this Roseli Berry." He stuffed it back in the adventuring bag. "It lowers fairies' powers, but used sparingly can help avoid any awkwardness if you aren't used to being in close proximity to them. Keep that berry close to you Mona, there are many fairies like me across this continent and few are as nearly charismatic as me." He narrowed his eyes slightly at Mona. "Eat it if ever you are in an emergency and are facing a mad fairy."

Mona nodded. She didn't dwell on such a situation, instead glad she had a mentor like Clave. His mannerisms suddenly went from concerningly sluggish, to more palatable. His claw's seemed to lose an edge under the effect of the berry.

"Why don't I need one?" Sidus piped up.

"You aren't even full dark Sidus," Clave said. "You got most of your mother's genes, including her fire. Hybrids tend to not have strong, if any, extra typing. You are just a little fire fox. Besides, you and your father are used to opposing types. Seems like Mona is once again the source of mystery." He said the last bit with his long fingers rubbing his chin in intrigue. "You'll get used to it one way or another, we are going to a forest full of bugs after all, you'll be feeling even more discomfort there." He lowered himself slightly to look Mona right in the eyes. "Consider it a test. You'll have to face them but at least you can rely on your partner and now me without worry."

Sidus pressed himself up against Mona. "Yeah, nothing to worry about! I can cook any bug in our path!"

A passing Beautifly and Dustox gave Sidus a dirty look, somehow picking up his words over the din of the market. He grimaced, obviously embarrassed.

"Come on now you two. We need to get to the post office in town square; the morning rush is probably already there. We can talk along the way."

Clave led them forward, and deeper into the town. The light leaking through the cave ceiling cast everything in a slightly dappled light. There were no harsh edges or shadows, almost like the town was swallowed in never-ending twilight. Mona enjoyed the mood it gave the place. Her eyes took in the buildings and their inhabitants, marveling again at the massive variety in both. Some homes sat on stilts to bring them closer to the peaking sky while others continued underground, with large round doors covering their entrance. She particularly enjoyed the homes overflowing with plants and bioluminescent mushrooms, thriving in the damp and dark terrain. She pointed one such house out to Sidus, who immediately tried to steal and eat a mushroom. Mona smacked it out of his teeth with her tail before he could even think of biting down. Every new hour as a Absol felt more and more natural. Her claws still stung from her clumsily stubbing them, but she kept up with her new friends far more easily than before. She hoped that learning to fight would be just as natural.

The thought of fighting yanked her back and away from the dreamlike town.

"Sidus?" she whispered, scared that Clave would hear her.

"Huh?" Sidus whipped his head towards her and away from a huge Charizard working their way through other Pokémon."

"How am I supposed to fight? Did you tell your parents what really happened back in the dungeon?"

Sidus looked down at his feet as he walked. "Well, I told them you killed the Tyranitar."

"Sidus!" she hissed. "We almost died! And I passed out immediately afterwards! I have no clue how I did any of that!" She took a deep and rattling breath. "Do I look like I know what I'm doing?"

He looked slightly ashamed before responding. "Neither do I! Mona, I may not have told them the whole story, but they don't need to know it! We'll show them what you can do today, and we'll go from there." He wagged his tails with those last words.

Mona tried her best not to lose herself like she had in the dungeon. "Sidus, I don't know how to use any of my powers. How am I supposed to show anyone anything today?"

"What?" He slowed down a bit, pulling them further from Clave who was still leading them up ahead and lowering his voice. "But all Pokémon know how to at least defend themselves. Where are you from that you've never had to? You killed the dragon..."

"I know I did!" She immediately regretted snapping at him. His ears fell and do did his usual smile. She quickly looked up to make sure Clave was still ahead and oblivious to their conversation. "I'm sorry, I just don't know what I am supposed to do. I didn't know I would be fighting for my life every day. I didn't know that my performance was going to be judged! I'm not even meant to be here. I'm human how the he..." She snapped her mouth shut.

Her rapid and worried words slipped out more than she wished, but the damage was already done. Sidus' eyes widened in surprise. He stared at her, confusion and shock spinning in his eyes. Before he could open his mouth, Clave called from up ahead.

"Finally! Get up here little ones, we arrived just in time, the line is barely there."

Mona looked up to get a good look at their destination: the huge tree she saw earlier. Now under it, she could see that there were several holes in the side of it, lined with lights and glowing orbs hanging from strings. She spotted Wingull and Pelipper roosting in several, with others filled by other flying beasts of various sizes. A small desk sat before them, with a Gogoat and Abra sat behind it, talking to a very disgruntled Snubul. Sidus gave Mona one last look before they walked up to stand in line behind the small pink Pokémon and caught the last chunk of their conversation.

"We are very sorry, but all of the Drifblim are already out for the day. You'll have to wait until past midday or take one of the other carriers," the Abra said timidly, her voice barely above a whisper. Mona had to strain to hear her.

"But I just saw one come back! I can't stomach the others; their wings jostle me around too much and I get sick! What can't you just have that one take me over to the orchard? It's not that far away!" the Snubul angrily responded, pointing his tiny hand at a Drifblim coming in from the ceiling. The balloon's odd eyes widened slightly seeing the exchange and quickly retreated into the tree, covering the hole behind them with a dark curtain.

"All of our carriers need at least a short break, and that one already has an appointment soon to rest up for. May we suggest a Flygon or one..." the Gogoat started, before he was cut off.

"No! I've already tried one of them and they still get me sick! The last one was very rude to me as well!"

The Abra started rapidly rubbing her hands together, entirely unsure of what to do under the Snubul's angry eyes. The Gogoat looked like he was holding onto the last threads of his professional front. Clave took a step forward and coughed. All three turned to look at him. The Abra looked at him like he was her savior. The Gogoat smiled and the Snubul looked terrified.

"If I may, I'd like to back up my dear friend Tred, the Flygon are incredibly helpful and kind. You must have gotten one who was tired from working all day. Surely you'd be tired too from carrying little Pokémon like yourself back and forth every day," Clave said.

"But..." The Snubul stopped when Clave raised an eyebrow at him. "Fine! I'll take one of the Flygon, but you better let them know to keep it easy with my sensitive stomach."

"Of course, they are trained to keep the flight as smooth as possible."

The Abra disappeared and reappeared in an instant, and before the Snubul could complain anymore, a Flygon swooped down and snatched him into the air, disappearing into the sky.

"Welcome to the Post Office, Mona. They do just a bit more than deliver your everyday packages and letters," Clave said with a wink, turning back around to her. "You'll be flying today!"

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: On the Edge of Infinity - Chapter 4 - InkyMoth (InkyMoth_art) (2024)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.